• High dose rad 140 reddit. com/kg9vcti/gaussian-16-citation.

    10mg is like a starting dose, people go up to like 30 and have way more gains off it. My cholesterol came back awful. And since rad doesnt kick in "fully" until week 3-5 might be better to go lower for longer. 50+ is high dose. gov/34565686/ where women took 150!mg every day and according to the study has a “acceptable safety profile. We have no actual proof that rad increases strength due to its androgenicity. 30 - 40 is solid moderate dose. I ran a 10 week RAD 140 Cycle. To help with blood pressure. I heard 10-15 is a good starting dose so I split the difference and went with 13. If anything id say Rad-140 is the best cutting sarm due to it being significantly stronger and it typically gives a higher strength boost. bio and it actually blew my mind how much size and strength I was able to gain. It truly is king SARM imo and I’m glad I had fun with rad before trying it because it’s the only SARM I’d run now. Ldl: 174 Hdl: 37 Triglycerides: 83 Total C: 228 I've cut back the calories and started intermittent fasting for a year which dropped my total body fat percentage by 5%. So hella sketchy drug, but awesome at the same time. This is my experience with RAD 140. But you're still riding the wave from full to less than full. 15 mg ed split on 2 times a day dosing. Give them a ping, I’ve used them for 20+ times for research Chems and sarms, never had issues. Reply reply We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I’ve seen some decent results on here with 10mg. I didn't say 2 weeks. Rad 140 has only had one clinical study https://pubmed. Use 6-10g of L-citrulline per day If you are holding excessive water then I’d recommend using a natural diuretic. But the thing is when you dose this high you are probably hurting your body more than you are helping it with gains. I was planning on running it along side 50mg Arimistane and do a 4 week Arimistane PCT but idk if thats enought. So I was running 20mg of Umbrella Labs Rad 140 and 15mg of science. I'd say 5mg is a good dose I'm taking 10mg and I think that is high. Reply reply More replies. Just without the rage and high blood pressure which people think your supposed to have lol Dec 2, 2023 · All male RAD-140 users should be prepared to do PCT following a cycle, as this is a suppressive SARM at moderate and high doses. I ran Rad 140 at 12mg a day and the hair loss was dreadful. Firstly get a blood pressure monitor. Therefore it's ok because you DIE from advanced cancer like that - so if you get whatever side effects from RAD, but it works well to beat the cancer, then We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You can start 2. This depends on the scenario. If you’ve ran it before at 10mg and know it was fine, start at 15mg then go 20mg. also 150mg of testosterone which is cruise levels is more androgenic than rad-140 20mg yet rad-140 increases strength way more than a cruise dose of 150mg. RAD-140 Cycle for Strength & Power. When you have product from a legitimate source and don't make strength gains 9 out of 10x it's your diet, namely not enough protein. Taking a lower dose will make this process take longer. Doesn’t really jumpstart until then. I am currently taking 15 mg of RAD for 8-weeks, this is my first cycle. OK, so I decided to try this while on TRT, rad 140. This research just shows androgens affect cns. RAD 140 is considered to be more anabolic than Ostarine, with side efffects that are slightly more prevalent than Ostarine. I am currently 8-weeks in and have noticed significant gains. So i’m only 3 days into my RAD 140 cycle of 5mg a day and already experiencing some high blood pressure side effects. 5mg each day of rad for a cut is far superior to 25mg ostarine for a cut, it’s 9 times stronger than ostarine. Even 5mg every day was too rough on my body and hair, so now im doing 5mg every other day. Also i have had no previous problems with blood pressure. nih. Throwing Cardarine into the mix further maximises performance, which ultimately carries over to strength gains. But you, as a human, will have more clear and pronounced strength gains at 20mg of RAD140, than with 5mg. I would say 10 mg is a good dosage with good results. Testolone RAD-140 – 20mg per day, dosed once a day in the a. A little bit slender but when you’re on a scale you see you’re gaining weight. Then have another guinea pig at the same time dose every other day for 16 weeks to equal the amount of doses that an everyday RAD doser is taking during an 8 week cycle. RAD 140 Results (Before and After) This user stacked RAD 140 (Testolone) with another SARM, known as LGD-4033 (Ligandrol). It depends on the dose you're running. So let him take what he want, I’m 19 and have ran two rad 140 cycles. Also, my testosterone is 743 ng/dL and I’m 28 if that matters. Rad is strong gonna suppress you regardless of what dose you run after a few weeks but less sides if you don’t go over 20 mg. Closing thoughts: I won’t use rad 140 again because of the hair-loss aspect. All in all, I really did enjoy the benefits of Chemyo’s RAD-140. also I fully plan on taking a pct afterwards and a high quality one at that Business, Economics, and Finance. If you stopped at 4 weeks you missed out a lot. Honestly as a woman u could get away with anything for a while. If you want the benefits without the big side effects, always go low doses. 5 a day. Ostarine is typically the weakest sarm. When it comes to asking a random person who is not a doctor or who knows you, There’s no such thing as too small of a dose in my opinion. Crypto Rad is supposed to be suppressive as well but at an equivalent half the dose of Lgd (10mg Lgd = 20mg Rad) from what I’ve researched. This was a liquid from chemyo. I know this is about to sound really weird but I’m 21 and used to get frequently aroused during the day until around 3 weeks ago where I realized that I was barely even getting aroused anymore, this was after I was already one week off of rad 140 and started a pct, but the only difference is I started taking dark energy pre workout which is a really high stim apparently, and I started this 4 I was all set to run my first rad140 cycle short of acquiring the rad 140. Just wondering any supplements i could take to knock it down a little bit so i can continue the cycle. "Because we consistently observed that RAD140 failed to achieve a level of prostate or seminal vesicle stimulation equal to TP at 1 mg/kg (no matter how high the dose of RAD140), we decided to test whether RAD140 could antagonize the effect of TP on rat prostate and seminal vesicles and, at the same time, determine what effect the Some of that size will drop. I am 61 and I am currently running test cyp/enanthate mix, I have been on testosterone for over a year, minimum 150 mg a week. If you will Google search "rad140 mental effects" The amount of conversation around this particular SARM and it's mental effects is substantially more than similar discussions on like how LGD and ostarine make you feel. -Lots of diarrhea. How soon should I experience insatiable hunger? Starting at day 3 I have been ravenously hungry 24/7 and I’m constantly eating. Did one from science. Both of my parents have terrible cholesterol as well. Id guess similar or half of a low dose for a man. Start the enclo at week 6 if your dead set to do this. You're already over the most effective dosage of RAD. There is literature stating that you don't really need to run RAD more than 10mg ED due to its long half life. . Miraculous Also, your muscles become fuller. Rad-140 is over double the price on science. 5mg or 5mg of nolva ED from now til 2 weeks after you finish the rad, for a total cycle of 10 weeks. If you’re feeling frisky you could try rad with yk11 and use a test base or use enclo From what ive read and studied rad 140 has better results with increased dosage. That’s a solid dose. 10mg of LGD is quite the high dosage, more and more people are running 2. You can take the heaviest anabolic compounds together and you won't gain that much that fast. Just remember more is not always better. Around at least 3 weeks. After two weeks I went up to 15 a day and just stayed there. I regularly been dosing 7. ” High doses or prolonged use can increase the risk of side effects. Keep in mind half life diesnt necessarily dictate how often you dose. Yk-11 has mixed reviews on suppression but being a partial agonist it needs an andro base(yk theory that partial androgen activation causes “renewed” sensitivity to androgens thus no need to increase your Sep 25, 2019 · Best RAD-140 Dosage for Strength. I didn’t want to push it and go up from there because it was my first cycle, but damn was it tempting. The RAD-140 human trial uses high doses because they are literally testing it as an anti-cancer med in women with advanced breast cancer with literally no other treatments available to them. Q: If one compound is weaker but has less sides than a stronger one, can the weaker one simply be taken at extreme doses until you get the same effects as a high dose of the stronger one? A: Most likely no. Sure, maybe their muscle accrual was about the same at the smaller dose. 5mg for the past 2 weeks, but I probably got around 50mg worth of rad 140 swallowed cause I was holding the open bottle and syringe in the same hand and spilt a bunch all over myself and in my mouth. 20mg is very high though so although that was my first stack I think 10mg would be more optimal. Great in terms of my PRs, body look, and overall stamina. Studies have shown it's plenty affective at that dose and your ratio of benefits/mg decreases as you increase the dose. I’m running rad alone at 15mg on a cut, and seeing pretty decent results. Length: 8 weeks Dose: 10mg week 1-4, 15mg week 4-8 Source: Science. About to hit my half way mark and was planning on upping from 10mg daily to 15mg (yes I’m aware of the half life). I’ve heard it shuts some people down and others not, getting blood work in a few days. Look at your body in 6 weeks & you can see a big change. Edit: I’m planning on running the cycle for 6 weeks with Cardarine and possibly Mk677. Not kidding. So considering the dosage I’d say suppression should have been expected with that cycle. May 31, 2022 · Total mg is probably the biggest determination of results with compounds of similar strength, and combining 2 often can be a bit less sides than a bigger dose of only one. Some like 10,15,20 some respond better at high doses and some at lower Apr 6, 2019 · Plus there’s studies out showing that higher doses of rad are counter productive. I’m taking a lot more calcium, magnesium, and potassium and going on short walks after my meals to try to help. It would be a good idea to start with 10mg(if you never used rad before) and then bump to 15mg then 20mg. 5-5mg Initially slight nootropic effects like a low dose of piracetam and then after a few days, the effects of a regular rad dose without the sides. the transformation from week 5 to 6 is insane. Because when I tried 20 mg I needed to end early due to abdominal pain. I’d say that’s a question for a guinea pig who is willing to dose every other day for 8-12 weeks. 4kg to 90. m. I had really bad sides at 10 and they have largely subsided at a 5mg dose. Background: 25 years natural bodybuilding (obviously not after this) Height - 5' 7”. Youre clearly misreading what i'm saying. Damn can people just stfu about his age, it’s his body no one else’s. So look at ur pre blood tests cause it’s going to get the hell knocked out it. Honestly Rad-140 is probably the best sarm regardless. 2. If it's a typical 'cycle' (which I assume to be the case being posted in this sub), then a relativity high dose of an oral like RAD @ 30mg will yield a lot more over 6-8 weeks than test at 200mg a week for the same period (which can put levels on the high normal TRT end dependent on the individual). 5 half-lifes for a drug to be removed from the body. I am 5'9" and 180 pounds, roughly 18% body fat. You just can't accept your precious venders would ever do anything wrong lmao. RAD 140 is oftentimes compared with LGD-4033, since both of these compounds harbor similar effects on the body. Definitely do Cardio; it needs to be considered as an important segment of your entire fitness plan. Man Rad 140 is the only sarm I need. I’m on my first SARM cycle, rad-140 @ 10 mg. 5kg but my before and after pictures show basically no progress, I look the same. In the long run it’s not worth it. I felt more suppressive with LGD at the end than with RAD. Reply zachary6227 • I’d suggest RAD-140 @10mg-20mg daily. just keep a normal dose (10mg) and train at a super high frequency and volume and eat clean like a gorilla. bio PCT: nolva 20/20/10/10 from ExpressPCT Weight went from 84. bio GW for about three weeks when I started noticing my some chest pain that started out gradually at work and started increasing in severity so I started checking my BP and at first it was high but not super alarming at like 150/95 or so when my last tested blood pressure I've spent maybe three hours reading about 50 logs/reports on RAD-140 from various well known forums between 2017-2018 and it seems that it might be prudent to start with a lower dose in order to mitigate sides and still get a decent anabolic stimulus. My first week I started off at 5mg, second week i upped it to 10mg. RAD Is super suppressive so you want to stay as low as possible. Especially with something like rad that has a very high potency mg for mg. With scales that inaccurately measure in mgs, doesn’t it seem easier to measure out 1g of RAD-140 and put it in 100 scoops of protein powder and have one each day? I personally find the best dosage for me is 25-30mg. Rad is going to mess you up so be prepared for it. BUT with Rad, I’ve kept the same gains pretty much. My libido wasn’t really affected whatsoever. I've heard people get amazing results from doing 5mg ED over 12 weeks instead of 10 for 8. The half life of RAD 140 is 16 - 20 hours. ncbi. The recomended dosage is actually 5mg-10mg. U don’t want to be 3 weeks in and feel like a bus got dropped on top of u. Jan 14, 2021 · I just wanted to give an update on my experience with my first PED cycle of RAD140 and the testosterone suppression + PCT (3 weeks in and feeling great). I’d also suggest LGD-3303 @10mg daily over any other SARM. I first started at 15 mg for the first eight weeks, then 30 rest of the 12 week. Rad is (generally) going to be easier on the liver but you’d have to be taking a really high dose of rad to hit the same effect of 75 mg of anavar. That’s when you up the dose. Feb 13, 2023 · RAD 140 has also been banned by WADA (World Anti-Doping Association), so professional athletes are prohibited from using it and other SARMs . Also, is it worth bumping up to 20 mg around week 4? Background - I’m 6’4” with an Ectomorphic body type. High doses will give a little extra benefits (20-30% more) but the cost is big suppression and other nasty sides which contradicts the whole point and goal of sarms that is supposed to be benefits without sides. people have noticed substantial strength increase with 5mg rad which is barely even androgenic. I agree with that comment. 5mg is such a lose dose that it would be worth doing. I honestly went so thin within 3-4 weeks that i had to stop and just keep on my TRT dosage. Definitely don't increase those dosages. Throat was closing up a lot. I’d run 8 or 10 of Rad and purchase the Nolva just to have on hand and see how you feel at the end of the cycle. However it’s much harder to dose this way. He also ran MK-677 (ibutamoren) alongside these two compounds. For less than 18-20h or so then you may need to dose 2x per day to keep serum levels steady but with longer ones you still dose daily but just at a lower dose that builds up slighlty over a few days. bio and the same is the pricing for RAD-140 powder from chemyo. Pair that with the benefits of MK677, and RAD 140 at a high dose, and you have a stack stronger than many beginner AAS cycles. Got amazing results, gained about 10-12 pounds of quality weight since i’m in better shape now (fat percentage) then Before. That was one of my first cycles when I started using PEDs before I I hopped on test and it was a nice clean 8 week cycle. Man I could be crazy in saying this. I did this and had rebounded 90% after week 10, and yes it was confirmed via blood work (before, during - which is how I knew to kick it in - and after). Rad 140 DOES bind to your brain's androgen receptors. Aggression, rad 140 will literally make you want to fight with everyone, especially increased irritability. Always start low and milk your gains until it’s no longer effective. Week 2. Jan 1, 2024 · The YK11 will work synergistically with RAD 140, and boost its muscle-building effects by inhibiting myostatin. I don't think it's necessary to run enclo during the cycle but I would only recommend it if you're taking RAD at a high dose (ie: 10mg+/day) Even then if you want to maintain a test base, something like 25mg 2x a week should be okay mid cycle. Maybe it was to some placebo too cause I was thinking about it, with RAD I didn’t give any fucks. I have always seen people say "Ostarine is made for cutting" but I am not sure as to how legitimate that benefit is between it and RAD-140. Always been great cycles, 2-3 weeks in start feeling but obviously mental gains from day one. Can I take 60 mg of rad 140? I’m taking 30 right now and it’s having an effect but… it just doesn’t feel like enough and yes, it’s real rad - 140 I have significant strength and energy gains but… just doesn’t seem like enough. rad is super strong and it's the last 4 weeks that give u the most gains. I've had to start microneedling my scalp and use minoxidil to re-grow (Hopefully) what has been lost. Hello, I have a pretty high blood pressure whilst I’m on my rad cycle, day 4 of 10 mg ED. Being the idiot I am, I was dosing in a moving car. I know that reddit broscientists think 10mg is normal dose and 20 is very high dose, but this is simply not true. Start out with 10mg RAD for 8 weeks then get bloods about 5-7 days after cycle so the RAD has cleared your system then based on the bloods / how you feel start a PCT of Nolva for like 10/10/5/5 (dependant on a lot of things) I was a first timer with rad a few months ago. Avoid alcohol and other liver-stressing substances. I suggest that you take 10mg every 16 hours. You need to find out the lowest dose that makes you happy with the results. I have a test base at 100mg every week. PCT could be same dose ED. Lipid panel will be off, BP will rise, joints will hurt (fish oil will help a bit), insomnia, suppressed hunger, liver enzymes up. Some people claim there are diminishing returns while running it over 20mg, while others claim it is dose dependent and that 25-30mg shows a dramatic increase in gains. A male should be doing 15-30 mg, 15 mg is mild even but it is your call at the end of the day, 30 mg is high. Strengh and endurance seem to be up at the gym and libido too. Hey everyone, after reading through the forums It’s quite apparent that SARMs are so so much cheaper in powdered form. It’s a 100% increase in dose it’s a massive change. Apr 11, 2024 · RAD 140 or Testolone is a SARM known for its high anabolic to androgenic ratio (90:1). RAD will be toxic to your liver, hence the ALT 250, the pain is probably referred pain due to inflammation of liver/capsule surrounding due to the cholestatic hepatotoxicity (the orally active RAD is beginning a cascade which stops your liver cells from properly excreting bile and their substances and they are dying - hence releasing ALT into I did a cycle of Rad from SP and saw 0 results. Thought about ordering 20mg of Nolva just to be safe and taking that for four weeks after my 8 weeks. This enables you to push more weight, for more sets, and ultimately accomplish more growth with this PED than those silly, irrelevant, non-lifting monkeys. Put the Kool aid down and look outside of reddit to resources who are actually very knowledgeable on PEDs. Rad 140 with 10mg of Nolvadex is a very simple basic cycle. 5 mg Rad = 45mg We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Reason being, diminishing effects. At this point is when I noticed a difference in my strength. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. iirc it said that 8-10mg of rad was about the point the scale starts tipping towards diminishing returns. Rad suppressed the shit out of me without a test base. Ostarine if you took 15mg probably would make more gains than only 5mg of RAD. I took 40mg of RAD 140(DONT do this, i'm an aspiring professional idiot) and it was great. 5 mg ostarine for a 8 to 12 - week 1000 kcal -1250 kcal a day cut. I dont know though I'm not a doctor :) So I have been debating whether to run 5 mg of RAD-140 or 12. Your water retention could possibly be coming from high test --> estrogen conversion on the enclo, so get a pill splitter and try to keep it a solid 6. I’m debating staying at 10mg for the remaining 4 weeks since I’m already seeing pretty good results. Weight pre-RAD140 - 77kg (lean around 10-12% BF) Just mixed up and took first 10mg dose of rad from bio, fourth rad cycle overall from them over the years. I didn't really feel anything until I hit the 3rd/4th week on 15-20mg. -It took a while for the RAD-140 to kick into full gear to where I saw my lifts jump. Lifestyle Factors: To minimize potential problems, maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, adequate hydration, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep. LGD-4033 has a recommended dose of about half the typical RAD dose for a reason. Ive heard some pretty awesome stuff about it but only issue im worried about is supression. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Okay, don't listen to them, they all generally do the same thing. Most people I see that try 20mg usually jump back down to 15mg because of the sides. This stack makes use of the powerful synergistic effects of RAD-140 and S-4 when stacked together. I did Frist a cycle with 5 mg with LGD for 10-12 weeks and after a break then a 10 mg RAD for 10-12 weeks. Cut down on any stimulants. I'm saying your body needs 4 weeks to saturate and then i added the 2 weeks. -Dehydration. Save the high doses for when the low ones no So dosing at 60 hours, you'll still have half the previous dose which will then decrease along with the original dose and so on. 5ish I notice the strength and crazy pumps (lgd has bigger pumps) kick in with rad and lgd. Been on it for 6 weeks. I drank a lot of water throughout the day. Thanks man!!! I was planning to do a 12 week recomp wit Osta, S4, GW and, of course, RAD-140. I get some light headaches and it’s been around 140-150/ 60-70. But the total dosage needs to be comparable. I was gaining about a pound a week but at week six I noticed that everything stopped. 25mg dose but if you're not experiencing any of the effects I listed yet. 20 is low/moderate dose. For example, the recommended dose for women is 5-10mg. I love the compound itself, I think it’s awesome but I’m not willing to risk any more hair-loss and will stick to safer alternatives like Lgd 4033 or ostarine. This is my first time experimenting with PEDs, so please bare with me. 10 Rad & 5 LGD is not going to be as potent as 30 Rad - that’s twice the total mg. nlm. I plan to do an 8-week cycle, I’m currently 5 days into it. 20mgs a day, intense lifts, and eat everything. Preclinical rat models have shown a vast increase in strength and muscle mass, as well as a blatant decrease in fat. I’m on 20mg of rad-140 right now. Well u took a way higher RAD dose than LGD bro. You will find some guys who swear that no PCT is needed following a low-dose RAD-140 cycle. The alpha male focus, muscle hardening, strength and endurance increased, etc. I just added rad 140 about 3 weeks ago and I am pleased with the results (I also am on another blast at 600 mg a week test, I have done that before without the rad, so I do believe the rad is making a difference) Probably not many. Recomped pretty nicely. As the title says, I’m planning on taking a 5mg dose of Rad-140 (I will up the dosage to maximum 15mg if needed) and I am curious if I even need to PCT with this dosage. This is all assumption based, so don’t take anything I say for concrete The half-life of Rad is 64 hours so whether you take 5, 10, or 20mg a day after a certain point your androgen receptors will be fully saturated with rad-140. "Generally it is considered that it takes 5. " That's 13 days in the case of rad. . The gains are coming period between 10-20mg as long as you hitting gym hard Recently finished a 8 week rad cycle. 5 or 5 these days. ro ms ym yp po ds bk lh ow pd

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