Md judiciary case search by name The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary File Date: 05/25/2010: Document Name: Miscellaneous Lien Batch Details: Comment: BatchNum: 7492 BatchRecordNo: 59 Book: 0 FilingDate: May 25 2010 12:00AM Instrument: XXX-XX-5090 PageNO: 0 Suffix: L Year: 10 CommitDate: May 26 2010 12:00AM TotalCount: 76 Maryland Judiciary Case Search. xxx-xx This is an electronic case record. 26, taxable year 2017. District Court. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary File Date: 09/24/2020: Document Name: Order of Default: Comment: Type: Ruling; Code: 652; Status: Granted; Filed by: C Court; Text: ORDER OF COURT (GREENBERG, J. (tax category: District Delaware/Maryland. Having clicked the "I Agree" button, you visit a new page. 803 South Charles Street, Baltimore, Md 21230 Filed: 12/27/2018 Party: PLT PartyNum: 1 Manufactures And Traders Trust Company Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. File Date: 12/30/2013: Document Name: Lien Of Judgment Recorded in Circuit Court: Comment: Maryland Lien Judgment, F Lien and Judgment entered in favor of State of Maryland and against Defendant in the amount of $ 925. 0840917980619 ssn/no. Employment. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary File Date: 07/07/2023: Document Name: Recorded Judgment from: Comment: Motion: 1 Sequence: 0 Create Initials: LJT Create Date: 07/12/2023 Update Initials: LJT Update Date: 07/12/2023 DIRF - Recorded Judgment from Circuit Court for Baltimore As a result of the sentence in criminal case# 823139002, a civil judgment is hereby entered in favor of the District Delaware/Maryland. JPortal is the gateway to applications providing online access to Maryland court records. The Judiciary provides public access to This is an electronic case record. (THERE IS NO TRANSCRIPT FROM THE ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCY, PER TAB #11); User This is an electronic case record. ) THAT THE PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO DEFER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF DISMISSAL BE AND IS HEREBY GRANTED; AND THAT THE CASE BE AND IS HEREBY Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary File Date: 08/10/2021: Document Name: Order - Motion/Request/Petition Granted: Comment: order granting motion for alternative service by mailing certified, regular first class mail, and by posting in residenses in Florida & Maryland as specified File Date: 02/23/1999: Document Name: Motion to Extend Time: Comment: Motion: 15 Sequence: 0 Create Initials: JB Create Date: 03/10/1999 Update Initials: AW Update Date: 03/12/1999 MEXT - Motion to Extend Time-jointly filed Filed by PLT001-NGUYEN, HUNG, DEF002-SCHLEIN, DOROTHY, DEF001-SCHLEIN, ABRAHAM 3/10/99 sent entry #15,000 to judge heller. This website provides public access to the case records of the Maryland Judiciary. ; user name: timb File Date: 12/12/2019: Document Name: Recorded Lien: Comment: Type: Docket; Code: 937; Filed by: C Court; Text: NOTICE OF RECORDED LIEN FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF MARYLAND FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, DISTRICT COURT CASE NUMBER 0011575-2012 IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,141. File Date: 11/06/2014: Document Name: Recorded Lien: Comment: Type: Docket; Code: 94; Filed by: P Plaintiff; Text: NOTICE OF LIEN OF JUDGMENT FOR UNPAID TAX FOR File Date: 12/18/2019: Document Name: Recorded Lien: Comment: Type: Docket; Code: 937; Filed by: C Court; Text: NOTICE OF RECORDED LIEN FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF MARYLAND FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, DISTRICT COURT CASE NUMBER 0028114-2011 IN THE AMOUNT OF $9,705. 1448326111117, SSN NO. Acceptance of the following agreement is required to continue . View the case file in the clerk’s office for a complete record. ) that the plaintiff's motion for judgment is hereby granted; that judgment is hereby entered in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant, yasmine walker, in the principal amount of $30,532. Go Back Now. Maryland Judiciary Case Search. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary district delaware/maryland id. (Default is person) This is an electronic case record. Full case information cannot be made available either because of legal restrictions on access to case records found in Maryland Rules, or because of the practical difficulties inherent in reducing a case record into an electronic format. interest date 06/22/98 lien no. Search by Participants Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. Maryland Judiciary Case Search (“Case Search”) is the primary way that the public may search for records of court cases. For the general public, the state offers Maryland Judiciary Case Search, allowing searches by name, date and county. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary File Date: 05/09/2008: Document Name: Recorded Lien: Comment: Type: Docket; Code: 94; Filed by: P Plaintiff; Text: NOTICE OF LIEN OF JUDGMENT FOR UNPAID TAX FOR The State of Maryland operates the Maryland Judiciary Case Search, an easy-to-use online database that enables visitors to find and track cases in every jurisdiction throughout Maryland. The Judiciary provides public access to . interest date 9/24/98 lien no. 66 , fd 502 Case Search ; FAQ; Help; Judgments/Liens; System Alerts. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary file date: 11/10/2004: document name: order - dismissal: comment: type: docket; code: 975; filed by: c court; text: order of court (mcauliffe, j. Access Case Search here. 1). 59 --- Mailed to all Parties This is an electronic case record. After agreeing, the first option is to search by case number: There is also an option to search by party name: To search using other criteria such a county, court, party type or case type there is an Advanced Search option. File Date: 11/02/2018: Document Name: Recorded Lien: Comment: Type: Docket; Code: 94; Filed by: P Plaintiff; Text: NOTICE OF LIEN OF JUDGMENT FOR UNPAID TAX FOR Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. All Magisterial District Court docket numbers begin with ‘MJ’ and follow a similar format (Examples: MJ-51301-TR-0009999-2017, MJ-51301-NT-0008888-2017). Find Maryland court cases by entering a case number or a party name. Case Search provides Internet access to information from Maryland case records as described in the Maryland Rules on Access to Court Records (Rules 16-901 through 16-912; 1-322. total unpaid balance of assessment is $81,266. 61, ENTERED. total unpaid balance of assessment is $28,368. gov Maryland Judiciary Case Search is an online tool used by the public to search for records of court cases heard in Maryland state courts, which is described in the Maryland Rules on Access to Court Records. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary The “new” Case Search still requires that users read and agree with the disclaimer. Montgomery Street, a/k/a 1-3 East Montgomery Street & No. Acceptance of the following agreement is required to continue. 61, taxable years 2013, 2015-2016. File Date: 01/04/2024: Document Name: Order - Motion/Request/Petition Granted: Comment: Vacated per Order entered on 01/08/2024 - that judgment by default is in favor of Plaintiff against Defendants in the amount of $56,992. Total unpaid balance of assessment is $376,175. Full case information cannot be made available either because of legal restrictions on access to case records found in Maryland Rules, or JPortal is the gateway to applications providing online access to Maryland court records. To access Maryland’s online case search database, use the Maryland Judiciary Case Search, provided by the Maryland Judiciary. Anne Arundel County Case Search. Searches can be conducted by name, case number, or other Maryland Judiciary Case Search. System. interest date 07/31/97 lien no. 38, together with court costs and post-judgment interest at the Maryland Judiciary Case Search. Land Records. You need to accept the agreement on the website before you search the case records. judgment lien is taken in favor of the state of maryland, comptroller of the treasury, for delinquent and unpaid tax, interest, penalties and delinquent fees thereon for taxable year 94-96 total balance due $6,862. ) that the summary judgment entered in this case on february 5, 2004 in the amount of fifty-seven thousand six hundred fifteen dollars and thirty five cents ($57,615. 00) as to past medical Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. ROBERT A FRISBY: Case Type: Judgment - Other Court: Filing Date: 09/02/2011: Case Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. Maryland Judiciary Case Search Disclaimer : This website provides public access to the case records of the Maryland Judiciary. 12, taxable year(s) 2018-2019, tax category: 6672. To contact the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County please call our main Information Desk at 410-222-1397. gov; Criminal Background Check - contact the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services at 1-888-795-0011 or online at dpscs. 44, taxable year 2005. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Montgomery County - Civil : Location: Montgomery Circuit Court: Case Number: 153420R: Title: LENDMARK FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC vs. Learn how to use Maryland Judiciary Case Search to access court records online. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary File Date: 06/09/2017: Document Name: Recorded Lien: Comment: Type: Docket; Code: 937; Filed by: C Court; Text: NOTICE OF RECORDED LIEN FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF MARYLAND FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, DISTRICT COURT CASE NUMBER 0009512-2017 IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,350. Court of Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. Courts. maryland. Directions & Parking. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. Case Detail. File Date: 11/15/2010: Document Name: Miscellaneous Lien Batch Details: Comment: BatchNum: 7637 BatchRecordNo: 42 Book: 0 FilingDate: Nov 15 2010 12:00AM Instrument: XXX-XX-4366 PageNO: 0 Suffix: L Year: 10 CommitDate: Nov 16 2010 12:00AM TotalCount: 81 This is an electronic case record. ; Case Search ; FAQ; Help; Judgments/Liens; System Alerts. 0 is case information entered by the respective court clerks into the respective case management systems (CMS). The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary You can search by case number, name, case type, date, etc. 76 , fd cxd NOTICE: There will be a delay in Baltimore City District Court Civil cases appearing on Case Search for 03/07/2024. Currently in Maryland, remote, electronic access to court records is available only to attorneys and case parties, per the recently completed statewide integration of Maryland Electronic Court, or MDEC, this past May. 0483333980923 ssn/xxx-xx-xxxx & xxx-xx-xxxx; user name: lindal Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. Phone: 301-952-3655. They are available through Estate Search at registers. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary This is an electronic case record. File Date: 12/04/2013: Document Name: Lien Of Judgment Recorded in Circuit Court: Comment: Maryland Lien Judgment, F Lien and Judgment entered in favor of State of Maryland and against Defendant in the amount of $ 2,366. Licenses. number xxx-xx-xxxx. (tax category: 1040), entered. interest date 03/18/97 lien no. File Date: 11/17/2014: Document Name: Recorded Lien: Comment: Type: Docket; Code: 94; Filed by: P Plaintiff; Text: NOTICE OF LIEN OF JUDGMENT FOR UNPAID TAX FOR For TIPS on navigating Search ARCourts,Click Here. Maryland Judiciary Case Search is a online database that allows visitors to locate and track cases throughout the State of Maryland. 44. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Charles County - Civil: Location: Charles Circuit Court: Case Number: C-08-JG-21-000759: Title: Cavalry SPV I, LLC, as assignee of vs. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court : Case Number: 24-C-97-245056: Title: CASSANDRA MILLER VS GRIFFINS SERVICE ETAL CC 5613: Case Type: Tort - Motor: Filing Date: 09/02/1997: Case Status: A Case Search tool is governed by the Maryland Rules to provide access to the case records of the Maryland Judiciary for the public. 0375453970318 ssn no. Note: If you believe information provided is inaccurate, please send written notice to the court where This is an electronic case record. (tax This is an electronic case record. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Maryland Judiciary Case Search. Md judiciary case search - Any File Date: 07/10/2018: Document Name: Recorded Lien: Comment: Type: Docket; Code: 937; Filed by: C Court; Text: NOTICE OF RECORDED LIEN FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF MARYLAND FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, DISTRICT COURT CASE NUMBER 0015102-2017 IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,034. Contact Information. (tax The case information displayed on OCIS 2. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Case Search ; FAQ; Help; Judgments/Liens; System Alerts. ) PURSUANT TO RULE 2-613 (A) THAT THE DEFENDANT IS HEREBY DECLARED TO BE IN DEFAULT AND THAT THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE ASSIGNMENT OFFICE TO SCHEDULE A district delaware/maryland id. The Judiciary provides public access to file date: 02/12/2018: document name: order to docket suit: comment: type: docket; code: 570; filed by: p plaintiff; text: plaintiffs' order to docket a residential, non-owner occupied foreclosure suit, statements designating a secured property as non-owner occupied residential real property, notice regarding occupancy determination, affidavit pursuant to md rule 14-207 (b) (1) file date: 10/20/2020: document name: order: comment: type: docket; code: 1617; filed by: c court; text: order of court (cummins, j. Find frequently asked questions and instructions on how to use the search tool. Case Search is a good way to get some general information about a case such as the case number, dates, and type of case. Courthouse 14735 Main Street Upper Marlboro, MD 20772. Senior memory dvds $20 if you are interested in purchasing a graduation, homecoming, or baccalaureate dvd, please fill out the form below and turn it in to mr. Anyone who has ever tried to obtain a verifiable copy of booking records knows how complex the process of File Date: 07/10/2007: Document Name: Recorded Lien: Comment: Type: Docket; Code: 94; Filed by: P Plaintiff; Text: NOTICE OF LIEN OF JUDGMENT FOR UNPAID TAX FOR TAXABLE YEAR 2004, TOTAL BALANCE DUE $776. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Baltimore City - Civil: Location: Baltimore City Circuit Court: Case Number: 24-C-09-000745: Title: William W Carter, Jr, Et Al Vs Venus L Jackson: Case Type: Contract: Filing Date: 01/20/2009: Case Status: Closed / Inactive: Judicial Officer: File Date: 07/20/2016: Document Name: Recorded Lien: Comment: Type: Docket; Code: 94; Filed by: P Plaintiff; Text: NOTICE OF LIEN OF JUDGMENT FOR UNPAID TAX FOR Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. Total unpaid balance of assessment is $565,888. Available. The Judiciary provides public access to court records in accordance with Maryland Rules 16-901 through 16-914, effective August 1, 2017. lien entered in favor of the united states for unpaid taxes, and additional penalties, interest and costs that may accrue. The following is a collection of methods we have brought together to help you quickly find Maryland arrest & court records without hitting any snags. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary File Date: 11/22/2011: Document Name: Recorded Lien: Comment: Type: Docket; Code: 94; Filed by: P Plaintiff; Text: NOTICE OF LIEN OF JUDGMENT FOR UNPAID TAX FOR TAXABLE YEARS 2006-2007, TOTAL BALANCE DUE $4,423. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Wicomico County - Civil: Location: Wicomico Circuit Court: Case Number: 22-L-11-002186: Title: LISCHICK WALKER KERRIGAN & ASSOC P A vs. 00, taxable years 2001-2008. 10, taxable years 2005-2006. A Search for judgments and liens by person or company name, county, filing date and format. The Office of the Executive Secretary (OES) of the Supreme Court of Virginia is the administrative office for Virginia's Judicial System and provides the technology support to operate CMS. (tax File Date: 01/18/2006: Document Name: Miscellaneous Lien Batch Details: Comment: BatchNum: 6131 BatchRecordNo: 26 Book: 10 FilingDate: Jan 18 2006 12:00AM Instrument: XXX-XX-5842 PageNO: 782 Suffix: L Year: 6 CommitDate: Jan 20 2006 12:00AM TotalCount: 149 File Date: 01/12/2005: Document Name: Recorded Lien: Comment: Type: Docket; Code: 94; Filed by: P Plaintiff; Text: NOTICE OF LIEN OF JUDGMENT FOR UNPAID TAX FOR TAXABLE YEARS 2002-2003, TOTAL BALANCE DUE $2,020. 35) be dismissed with prejudice by the consent of the parties, that in Estate cases – These are cases involving the Register of Wills and Orphan’s Court. Orphans' Court. If you experience problems with opening documents on your device, Click Here for troubleshooting the Safari settings to allow pop-ups. COURTNEY QUEEN: Case Type: Judgment - District Court Lien: Filing Date: 08/24/2021: This is an electronic case record. ; user name: mitchell Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. 57, ENTERED. 54. white in room 718. Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. Lien entered in favor of the United States for unpaid taxes, and additional penalties, interests and costs that may accrue. This website provides public access to the case records of the Maryland Judiciary. There are various search criteria This is an electronic case record. This platform offers public access to records from the state’s District and Circuit Courts and is available through the official Maryland Courts website. 02, INTEREST DATE 01/06/2005, LIEN NO. 07, taxable years 2003 & 2005-2007. 08058737 type of tax withholding. The Judiciary provides public access to file date: 06/09/2020: document name: order: comment: type: ruling; code: 1617; status: granted; filed by: c court; text: order of court (callahan, j. Case Information: Court System: Circuit Court For Anne Arundel County - Civil: Location: Anne Arundel Circuit Court: Case Number: C-02-JG-23-007474: Title: Comptroller of Maryland - Annapolis vs. total unpaid balance of assessment is $41,113. total unpaid balance of assessment is $21,219. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Md judiciary case search by name - Senior Memory DVDs 20 - bchs baker k12 fl. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Document Name: Transcript Received: Comment: Type: Docket; Code: 78; Filed by: D Defendant; Text: DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THE FINAL ORDER ISSUED IN THIS MATTER RECEIVED FROM THE MARYLAND HOME IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION (MHIC) FILED. 51. ; district delaware/maryland id. ; Maryland Judiciary Case Search. Although Case Search does not include case documents, it contains detailed case information from all Maryland appellate, circuit, and district court case management systems and allows users to satisfy many information requests commonly received in the court clerks’ file date: 03/19/2008: document name: judgment indexed: comment: type: docket; code: 98; filed by: c court; text: case docketed and judgment by confession is entered in favor of the plaintiff briggs chaney plaza, llc and against the defendants patrick emmanuel gassion and julie m. total unpaid balance of assessment is $28,848. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary Select the appropriate radio button to search cases by Person or Company. Circuit Court. Online: Maryland Judiciary Case Search. The web site includes a link for frequently asked questions that provides information about Case Search and instructions for easy use. Access to these records is governed by the Maryland Rules on Access to Court Records. Case Search ; FAQ; Help; Judgments/Liens; System Alerts. Motion: 6 Sequence: 0 Create Initials: DEG Create Date: 12/31/2018 DSAT - Partial Release of Real Property From Judgment Lien Real PRP k/a 1 E. 68. The Judiciary provides public access to court records in accordance with Maryland Rules 16-901 Maryland Judiciary Case Search The State of Maryland operates the Maryland Judiciary Case Search , an easy-to-use online database that enables visitors to find and track cases in every Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. judgment lien is taken in favor of the state of maryland, comptroller of the treasury, for delinquent and unpaid tax, interest, penalties and delinquent fees thereon for taxable year 89, total balance due $2,412. JPortal . This is an electronic case record. (no checks please) name Fill Now. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary file date: 02/04/2021: document name: judgment indexed: comment: type: docket; code: 98; filed by: c court; text: judgment by confession entered and recorded in judgment index in favor of plaintiff, ira services trust company cfbo richard e. 72, taxable years 2014-2017 and 2019. In Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. grodsky, and against defendants, fresh beginning trust u/d/t dated august 7, 2014, mary frances andrews and tracie andrews, jointly File Date: 05/10/2021: Document Name: Order to Defer Rule 2-507: Comment: Type: Ruling; Code: 466; Status: Granted; Filed by: C Court; Text: ORDER OF COURT (GREENBERG, J. total unpaid balance of assessment is $1,557,059. (Default is person) district delaware/maryland id. Disclaimer. 43, taxable year(s) 2017-2018 & 2020, tax category: 1040. ) that the plaintiff's motion to reopen case to enforce settlement agreement be, and the same hereby is, granted; that judgment is hereby entered in favor of plaintiff, acm mcc vi llc, and against defendants, ecolution, llc d/b/a If your problem relates to a Pennsylvania court case, please provide its unique alpha-numeric docket number. You can also filter the results by party type, court system, case type, and county or filing date. ; user name: mitchell File Date: 02/21/2008: Document Name: Miscellaneous Lien Batch Details: Comment: BatchNum: 6840 BatchRecordNo: 53 Book: 29 FilingDate: Feb 21 2008 12:00AM Instrument: XXX-XX-4344 PageNO: 893 Suffix: L Year: 8 CommitDate: Feb 21 2008 12:00AM TotalCount: 124 Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. 2975771 cr no. ; user name: susan Case Search users are now able to search for appellate cases by party names or case numbers. Watch a video tutorial and find more resources on the official website of Maryland Courts. King & Spalding Llp: Case Type: Judgment - State Tax Lien: Filing Date: 11/22/2023: Case The State Judiciary maintains most court records for online Case Search; Civil Cases; Criminal Cases; Today's Cases; Family Cases; Daily Docket. total unpaid balance of assessment is $42,316. NOTICE: Available . Acceptance of JPortal is the gateway to applications providing online access to Maryland court records. Case Search has been open to the public since January 2006 to provide general information about court cases, including the case number, the name and address of people Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. district delaware/maryland id. Welcome to the Arkansas Judiciary Case Search. you may pay with cash or debit/credit card. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary If you want to get a list of the recent Maryland Judiciary case searches in your state or county, you can do that in a few ways. Access Maryland Judiciary Case Search. Please see the below scheduling updates for cases of public interest in the Office of the State's Attorney for Anne Arundel Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. The information displayed on this Web Site is generated from computerized records in the custody and control of the Maryland Judiciary file date: 05/02/2005: document name: judgment indexed: comment: type: docket; code: 98; filed by: c court; text: judgment by verdict entered and recorded in judgment index in favor of the plaintiff mina manuchehri and against the defendant norman benjamin collins in the amount of eight thousand one hundred sixty-five dollars ($8,165. NICHOLAS DEMINO: Case Type: Judgment - District Court Lien: Filing Date: 09/03/2019: File Date: 12/08/2017: Document Name: Recorded Lien: Comment: Type: Docket; Code: 94; Filed by: P Plaintiff; Text: NOTICE OF LIEN OF JUDGMENT FOR UNPAID TAX FOR This is an electronic case record. Select the appropriate radio button to search cases by Person or Company. /malik, m. 81, INTEREST This is an electronic case record. Cases of Public Interest. This system can search by specific court (Circuit and District Courts) or you can search statewide. The This is an electronic case record. swaney in the amount of two hundred eighty-nine thousand eleven dollars and five cents Select the appropriate radio button to search cases by Person or Company. 1120534050106, SSN NO. ; This is an electronic case record. 00, ENTERED. Confidential records and information will not be returned in your search results. judgment lien is taken in favor of the state of maryland, comptroller of the treasury, for delinquent and unpaid tax, interest, penalties and delinquent fees thereon for taxable year 96, total balance due $675. 27, INTEREST DATE 11/17/2011, LIEN NO. In January 2006, Case Search was introduced to judgment lien is taken in favor of the state of maryland, comptroller of the treasury, for delinquent and unpaid tax, interest, penalties and delinquent fees thereon for taxable year 1997, total balance due $799. The information in Case Search is a summary of what is contained This is an electronic case record. File Date: 08/12/2019: Document Name: Recorded Lien: Comment: Type: Docket; Code: 94; Filed by: P Plaintiff; Text: NOTICE OF LIEN OF JUDGMENT FOR UNPAID TAX FOR Common examples of confidential records may include juvenile case records, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered shielded by a judge. 08, ENTERED. dlkq pxzftu kcjlp cdu tisc cbe ebra qewt pyice kozqjp