Lutheran hymnody , Victor O. CHRISTMAS 90 Come, Your Heart and Voices Raising Luke 2: 15 8. 21: 24 7. un ly for be Fa fail ev friend our hath give Thee God, Com er heav’n thanks race fort Thy ing, ther, er, ed! ry we sus Lutheran Hymnody. INVITATION 276 Come unto Me, Ye Weary 7. JUDGMENT 605 The World Is Very Evil Rev. Veni, veni, Emmanuel Latin author unknown, c. , Arthur T. Bathhurst, 1831, alt. Mendon 1 Tim. Rygh, 1909 Wie schön leuchtet Philipp Nicolai, 1599 ciled is Now on rec God, Lord; my a ris 1 He is rious word! en! Lutheran Hymnody The Hymns TRINITY 251 We All Believe in One True God The Nicene Creed 8s. , composite Der am Kreuz Johann B. Monsell, 1863 German melody Arr. REFORMATION 261 Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word John 8: 31 L. Wohl einem Haus, da Jesus Christ Christoph C. FAITH AND JUSTIFICATION 387 Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice Rom. 3, unknown Wo Gott zum Haus “Geistliche Lieder ” Wittenberg, 1535 In Un And Where fall, pers give ye be well, heed find Lutheran Hymnody. 33: 1 Joseph Addison, 1712 Thomas Ests, 1592 Thy ness ly ing no pur em sur works I’ll thanks soul good dai ris vide Di Thy My My more, sue ploy; veys, na ev thou all sand ture ’ry Thy Through 2 Ten 1 When 3 4 When day night life gifts God, and my cious my cies, Lutheran Hymnody. 6: 1–4 10s. “Psalmody” John Chetham, 1718 ing ful ror, us peo by guilt, pow’r Con For Thy Thy dread vert er mourn Thy and dis ple grace! shame! play; bend; us, a ments y Lord, turn las, from 4 Oh, 3 How 2 Dark 1 Al turn changed, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Inc. Russell, 1851, alt. However, the proposed “Common English Hymnal” for Lutheran congregations, contains original hymns by Joseph A. Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Complete, fully searchable information about The Martin Luther was a great enthusiast for music, and this is why it forms a large part of Lutheran services; in particular, Luther admired the composers Josquin des Prez and Ludwig Senfl and wanted singing in the church to move away from the ars perfecta (Catholic Sacred Music of the late Renaissance) and towards singing as a Gemeinschaft (community). Monsell, 1863, ab. Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort Martin Luther, 1541 Tr. Hora novissima Bernard of Morlas, c. John 6: 35 Horatius Bonar, 1846 Vox dilecti John B. Christ lag in Todesbanden Based on “Christ is erstanden Lutheran Hymnody. 2: 8, 9 9. 1400 ’ry and sin life, spark ev nev love thought pure of I spend keep reign free I To To Is a my o’er from could live mine whole er a of and that, that that not know know know Lutheran Hymnody. , John Kelly, 1867, alt. NEW OBEDIENCE 423 Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken Luke 18: 28 8. dear; all brought Lutheran Hymnody. THE FAMILY 625 Oh, Blest the House, Whate’er Befall Luke 2: 41–52 L. Scheidt, 1742, cento Tr. LENT 144 Jesus, Grant that Balm and Healing 1 Pet. , Catherine Winkworth, 1869, alt. LORD’S SUPPER 315 I Come, O Savior, to Thy Table 1 Cor. Macht hoch die Tür Georg Weissel, 1642 Tr. Petersen, 1899 Wo soll ich fliehen hin “Der bussfertige Sünder Lutheran Service Book. Mein Herz will ich dir schenken Author unknown, 1653 Tr. 1–5, William Cowper, 1779 St. Wer weiss, wie nahe mir mein Ende Aemilie Juliane, 1686, ab. 2: 8, 9 S. LAW AND GOSPEL 287 That Man a Godly Life Might Live Ex. Dale, 1904 est the liv wa lat on Or Their breath, cast, ing ters Fa to the Flung 1 ther 2 The ceived winds re hath heed less at Lutheran Hymnody. LORD’S SUPPER 306 Lord Jesus Christ, Thou hast Prepared 1 Cor. and fol Sav scorn, to my ter, me have to dis but left leave as drive too. 6: 12 John S. CROSS AND COMFORT 534 God of My Life, to Thee I Call Ps. Wo Gott zum Haus “Geistliche Lieder ” Wittenberg, 1535 His In And But, here; is tal from is shown; flood far might meek fol Her the ness low od, Ca in wis star na the er pro 4 At 3 With 2 Lutheran Hymnody. Nun freut euch “Etlich’ christliche Lieder ” Wittenberg, 1524 foun at ly tion world’s they da tain o’er spring ta fore mer brood ex dark the Lutheran Hymnody. , Emanuel Cronenwett, 1880, alt. Lindeman, 1971 O cy may and still trust Thee; blest, Thee, mer I Hope In Thy That My est me ly Sal dear fails tru my hence heart Lutheran Hymnody. 1300 Tr. Ich singe dir “Harmonischer Liederschatz ” Frankfurt, 1738 wide so my th’ ex panse world full soul, Who Through And Joy spread this Spring of blue? low free Thee; Lutheran Hymnody. 2: 20 Samuel J. if who He He hast with in thus thou comes Lutheran Hymnody. HARVEST AND THANKSGIVING 566 Christ, by Heavenly Hosts Adored 7. The Hymn of the Day Project will build on the framework of the existing Hymn Selection Guide by The Lutheran Lutheran Hymnody The Hymns. , composite O dass ich tausend Kornelius H. 65: 12 8. , Harriet R. Hyfrydol Henry Francis Lyte, 1824 Rowland H. , composite O Jesu Christ, dein Kripplein Johann Crüger, 1653 cheer rich serve dise let all sin which and es the at come par heav’n good ly to a of no our ner my sus the Chris light whom Je Lutheran Hymnody. Winchester Old Ps. Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott Martin Luther Tr. Warren, 1884 Jor my the grim vah, Bid Whence Pil dan, tain anx heal through ious ing this I pen me, tread foun O Guide now 3 Lutheran Hymnody. REFORMATION 259 Flung to the Heedless Winds Acts 7: 59 6. PENTECOST 235 O Holy Spirit, Enter In Is. EASTER 192 Awake, My Heart, with Gladness Col. Lindeman, 1871 E Build God, E stand, our ing with doth King stones, hands, ven ed the ven in for Most Lutheran Hymnody. by Edvard H. Duke Street John Hatton, 1793 grave, ply, love, He He He What sup His the er lives; lives lives lives com fort to to e lives lives lives know to to tri that 1 I He 4 He 3 He 2 deem from rich with grant bless um Lutheran Hymnody. 11: 28 9. Harold Terry, “Lutheran Hymnody in North America,” in Hymnal Companion to the Lutheran Book of Wor - ship, ed. , composite Jesaia, dem Propheten Martin Luther, 1526 of The old days of Lord sa iah, 1 I y in seer, might y on loft a in all throne, in it did Spir hold High be flow bright, With filled that train ing quite. St. , composite Ich sterbe täglich Ms. , Catherine Winkworth, 1863, alt. ” rest. Moeller, 1704 Tr. 10. ” life. com Lutheran Hymnody. 4: 9 Thomas R. less who and art Com Je keep us Thy fort sus 3 Lutheran Hymnody. Patmos Frances R. PENTECOST 224 Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord! Acts 2: 4 7. Light Divine Andrew Reed, 1817 Orlando Gibbons, 1623 dened y His this heart heart beau heart this this me up all sad guilt on of of ties of trace; mine; mine; mine; Ghost, Ghost, see Ghost, ly ly me ly my with with with Ho 2 Let 1 Ho 3 4 Ho vine face, di di Lutheran Hymnody. Kirken den er et Ludvig M. 6. Warum sollt’ ich mich denn grämen Paul Gerhardt Tr. F. 1400 St. 51: 10–12 S. L. Jesu, deine tiefen Wunden Johann Heermann, 1644, ab. , Municipal Library Leipzig, 1756 For death cause now weak and May As Be I ap and ior, thy ble, er proach poi have wea son a Thy ry O that let Lutheran Hymnody. ing; our thy in Thou how of Thy Lutheran Hymnody. Authors First Lines Tune Names Topics Scripture References Meters Elements of Worship Page Scans. , Catherine Winkworth, 1863 Gottes Sohn ist kommen Michael Weisse, 1531 win dress own cur a re His our to would re se ward shamed voice ills us ing; Him, eth. arch, nate der. 3: 16 7. , August Crull, †1923, alt. 2: 19–22 8. Messenger, 1843 Denby Charles J. How, 1954, alt. 590, cento Tr. , John Wesley, 1740 St. , unknown Christe, du Lamm Gottes Johann Bugenhagen’s “Kirchenordnung Legal. CHRISTMAS 98 Of the Father’s Love Begotten 1 Tim. tion, er, ets ’ ly Lord, Ja heart kept Hail! Zi What Who Help proph tru Por My on’s the hath art cob’s Lutheran Hymnody WORSHIP AND PRAISE 31 When All Thy Mercies, O My God C. Alexander R. Baker, 1861 Divinum mysterium Plain-song tune, 12th century one prais full gan ac es of to of gel the the with His gin, be old hosts, Vir worlds Lutheran Hymnody. Ich habe g’nug Johann J. , composite Cordis donum “Clausener Gesangbuch,” 1653 sweet sweet sweet sweet and O and and and Christ Christ Christ Christ O child child child child dear, dear? dear. Höchster Priester “Musikalischer Christenschatz,” Basel, 1745 Basel, 1745 of keeps us er and dom doth up to for the the guide ev world king to Lutheran hymnody remained a vital component to the success of the Reformation as it spread across Europe. Kirken den er et gammelt Hus Nicolai F. Mary Kay Stulken (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1981), 82–114. Herr Jesu Christ, du hast bereit’t Peter Sohren, 1668 sal are i be liev ta dwell va pre for an an feast Word hab hosts our cious y gel ing tion, Lutheran Hymnody. Faith and Justification; 369 All Mankind Fell in Adam’s Fall ; 370 My Hope is Built on Nothing Less ; 371 Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness ; 372 Through Jesus’ Blood and Merit ; 373 By Grace I’m Saved, Grace Free and Boundless ; 374 Grace! ’Tis a Charming Sound ; 375 If Thy Beloved Son, O God ; 376 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Lutheran Hymnody The Hymns. Ps. Grundtvig, 1837 Tr. CAROLS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS 646 Silent Night! Holy Night! Luke 2: 8 Irregular Stille Nacht Joseph Mohr, 1818 Tr. Havergal, 1874 Henry W. be an re and great Word all thus Since 4 3 While 2 The 1 Lutheran Hymnody. In dulci iubilo Author unknown, c. Close of Service; 45 Now, the Hour of Worship O’er ; 46 On What has Now been Sown ; 47 Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise ; 48 How Blest Are They Who Hear God’s Word ; 49 Almighty God, Thy Word is Cast ; 50 Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing (First Tune) 50 Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing (Second Legal. 1760 Tr. CHRISTMAS 87 Joy to the World, the Lord is Come C. COMMUNION OF SAINTS 467 Built on the Rock the Church doth Stand Eph. 24 8. CHRISTMAS 91 Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord Luke 24: 27 7. safe glo snow clad rious and thou now, hail! sand how Now moun Lutheran Hymnody. Veni, Emmanuel Plain-song melody, c. Störl, 1711 slow day soul dawn to the my the the ious d’ning and hear night, anx red to at for of roam, hand. A collection of public domain Lutheran hymns. 38: 22 6. Fryd dig, du Kristi Brud Danish author unknown, c. Baker, 1868 Thy a the ing crim lone feet on Thou In At Trust me; ing don; sus, lead, flood; bow, Thee; shalt son I ly am am am am ing ing trust trust trust trust 1 I I 4 I 3 I 2 to for for Lord ing guide cleans par Je Thee Lutheran Hymnody. , Samuel Gilman, 1823 Uxbridge Lowell Mason, 1830 the to bap and Chris tis keep pu God will still shared act blest soul grace may the ing of tian’s mal Thy ri part, rite Law! ty; with be Thy we Thy it i true fore Spir ded 4 Grant 3 We, 2 Oh, 1 This Lutheran Hymnody. Ich singe dir mit Herz und Mund Paul Gerhardt Tr. , ab. LENT 147 O Christ, Thou Lamb of God John 1: 29 Irregular Christe, du Lamm Gottes From the German, 1528 Tr. Evening; 551 Sun of My Soul, Thou Savior Dear ; 552 Abide with Me! Fast Falls the Eventide ; 553 Through the Day Thy Love hath Spared Us ; 554 Now Rest Beneath Night’s Shadow ; 555 The Day is Past and Over ; Lutheran Hymnody. NEW YEAR 114 Jesus! Name of Wondrous Love 7. Ich komm’ zu deinem Abendmahle Friedrich C. Even today’s Christian praise and worship music owes its development to Martin Luther and his compositions in that Luther wanted the common people to be able to know and understand Lutheran Hymnody. ADVENT 59 Hail to the Lord’s Anointed 7. 11: 26 8. Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern Burkhard Wiesenmeyer, 1640, ad. 59: 16 Anne Steele, 1756, cento, alt. Iambic Harvest Hymn William C. Gallen Gesangbuch,” 1863, ad. (THIRD TUNE) Macht hoch die Tür August Lemke, 1849 tem Rul is King set Glo mil is ple er hu of it Christ char hold, a the iot the ry i con a Lutheran Hymnody. “Neues geistreiches Gesangbuch Lutheran Hymnody. HARVEST AND THANKSGIVING 569 O Lord, I Sing With Lips and Heart Ps. TRUST 428 I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus Acts 2: 38 8. 2: 15 7. 4. pleased. EASTER 188 Hallelujah! Jesus Lives! John 20: 15 7. 34: 6, 7 6. B. Acts 20: 35 Eliza S. NEW YEAR 125 The Old Year Now hath Passed Away John 15: 4 L. Luke 2: 10; Ps. 8. Author unknown Tr. Freu dich sehr “Genevan Psalter,” 1551 er ert each thus saith plac far dark the the ting ye rough des out peace, plain; near Lutheran Hymnody. Peter William H. Lutheran hymns are sometimes know What follows includes a list of Luther's original hymns, their main teaching points, and links for listening to these beautiful treasures, many of which are no longer found in any Complete, fully searchable information about Lutheran Service Book, with audio recordings, MIDI files, and page scans. 6, unknown author Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten “Genevan Psalter,” 1547 have Thou should flict Af Where And I ed, an re I me; Thee faint, call; vo that my Thy Ad fuse lodge at er the my the is ev of of lot mourn friend life, Legal. 1: 14 L. Dykes, 1868 I and this ly to world’s dark free Me “Be “I “Come am hold, un Light. 3 For a good overview of the hymnody of American Lutherans, see R. 9. 73: 23 8. 72 James Montgomery, 1821 Freut euch, ihr lieben Leonhart Schroeter, 1587 who great the Him bow ful fer er suf shall fruit To on those Da vid’s the earth, wrong; Son! ra shall comes to with er bi come the He 1 Hail 2 4 A 3 He ert show Up Lutheran Hymnody. , Jane Borthwick, 1862 Fred til Bod Ludvig M. Dies sind die heil’gen Zehn Gebot ’ Martin Luther, 1524 Tr. 1: 18 7. 1600 Arr. In dulci iubilo German melody, 14th century heav’n rise grace heav’n voice; Thee vine. Allein Gott in der Höh’ sei Ehr ’ Nikolaus Decius, 1525 Tr. Burford Ps. Meinen Jesum lass’ ich nicht “Neuverfertigtes Gesangbuch ” Darmstadt, 1699 sup ceive, Lord sin ca pray ho mor pli I most ful hear ly King Hope our re and for tion! Lutheran Hymnody. Lent; 140 Jesus, I Will Ponder Now ; 141 Enslaved by Sin and Bound in Chains ; 142 A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth ; 143 O Dearest Jesus, What Law Hast Thou Broken ; 144 Jesus, Grant that Balm and Healing ; 145 Jesus, Refuge of the Weary ; 146 Lamb of God, Pure and Holy ; 147 O Christ, Thou Lamb of God ; Lutheran Hymnody. 6. How, 1871 William Croft, 1709 rich wis bun for and dom dance Thy for heav’n ly a ous cy bless; pour name grace; pow’rs best rise, Thee, our jeal or gifts O 1 To A 4 The 3 Thy 2 Thee high fly mer hosts, With In Be For we God, Lord dained from by on of Lutheran Hymnody. 24: 42 8. Lutheran Hymnody LENT 147 O Christ, Thou Lamb of God John 1: 29 Irregular Christe, du Lamm Gottes From the German, 1528 Tr. Rom. Neale, 1852, alt. by Samuel Dyer, 1828 Christ He Lean, Lift are thy good thy near; Guide grace; might; chang and up is eth His thine thy not care the the nor a straight good Fight 4 Faint 3 Cast 2 Run 1 His Up Lutheran Hymnody. 1200 own ran som And Thine And And cheer o come high, free el, vid, on se, u wide by Sa cap pen us from our Thy Lutheran Hymnody. blood as of char hand ly, blest ’ry ly, Thy our on free life hum ev own; price, ty see Thine the i we Glo hearts, hon sor ry, dear or row Won Lord 1 Grant 2 3 Yes, 4 of us drous the Lutheran Hymnody. 29: 7 Henry Harbaugh, 1860, cento,alt. 3: 12 L. Walte, walte fuerder, nah und fern Jonathan F. CHRISTMAS 109 While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night C. , with Alleluias Surrexit Christus hodie Author unknown, c. Stone, 1866, cento Aurelia Samuel S. CAROLS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS 653 Now the Light Has Gone Away 7. Lutheran Hymnody PENTECOST 225 Come, Holy Spirit, Come Ps. Aus Gnaden soll ich selig werden Christian L. 8. Neale, 1851, 1859, ab. Freu dich sehr “Genevan Psalter,” 1551 er ert each thus saith plac far dark the the ting ye rough des out peace, plain; near, deed; God; ses and mis our straight Lutheran Hymnody. CAROLS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS 656 Behold a Host, Arrayed in White Rev. Sei du mir gegrüsset “Enchiridion ” Lübeck, 1545 Sa un Health age tan’s der of shall bound death Life Age to with didst and chain; go, all, say; the of er come, souls life Lutheran Hymnody. 10 lines Wir glauben all’ an einen Gott Martin Luther, 1525 Tr. 1400 a your seeks now hell can arm all venge o with Thine Cap earth Him mad Great Not To Who nor tain, Lutheran Hymnody. Valet will ich dir geben Melckior Teschner, 1613 of Thy ute vid’s rious is to and glo Word gifts Lord With As Their Both rays by trib Da Son! light; told Lutheran Hymnody. John, 1878 Kommt her zu mir German melody, c. THE NATION 579 Almighty Lord, before Thy Throne C. To get started, click on one of the categories below, peruse the indexes Lutheran Hymn Index Hymn of the Day List — The schedule is excerpted from the LSB Hymn Selection Guide and provides a listing of the Hymn of the Day for each Sunday in the Church Year as well as for Feasts, Festivals and Occasions. ADVENT 61 Comfort, Comfort, Ye My People Is. THE REDEEMER 343 How Lovely Shines the Morning Star Rev. Dretzel, 1731 down thou works soul, to art and be ise ior, it; less; When Came Our My earth by con Lutheran Hymnody. justin. Boylston Joseph Hart, 1759, cento Lowell Mason, 1832 to ti and bright a Je fy fears beams lead doubts Thy sanc To Then Our Let soul, blood, move, rise; the sus’ re Thine vince vive Ho to us our ly 1 Come, Re 4 ’Tis 3 Con 2 heart, sin, faith, Come! cleanse of droop Spir ing the our it, A the our ing our Lutherans have a wonderful musical heritage! Lutheran hymnody is rich both musically and lyrically. FAITH AND JUSTIFICATION 379 I do Not Come Because My Soul 8. , composite Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott 15th-century melody es will Word grac work Life now of Thy all Grant Oh, Be the the Thy us cause shine! poured do to to out ho ho Ho ly ly ly Thou Lutheran Hymnody. , Matthias Loy, 1880, Lutheran Hymnody. Lutheran Hymnody The Hymns. , composite O Jesu Christ, dein Kripplein Johann Crüger, 1653 cheer rich serve dise let all sin which and es the at come par heav’n good ly to a of no our ner Lutheran Hymnody. Herr Jesu Christ, du hast bereit’t Samuel Kinner, 1638 Tr. , unknown, 1708–1882 Easter Hymn “Lyra Davidica,” 1708, alt. 1, author unknown, c. Belmont Francis Rous, et al. BAPTISM 303 This Child We Dedicate To Thee Luke 18: 17 L. 4: 25 8. Epiphany; 127 As with Gladness Men of Old ; 128 Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning ; 129 Hail, Thou Source of ev’ry Blessing ; 130 O Jesus, King of Glory ; 131 The Star Proclaims the King Is Here ; 132 O God of God, O Light of Light ; 133 Within the Father’s House ; 134 Songs of Thankfulness and Praise ; Adoration; Lutheran Hymnody. CHRISTMAS 89 To Thee My Heart I Offer Luke 2: 7 7. EPIPHANY 131 The Star Proclaims the King Is Here Matt. Nun freut euch, liebe Christen g’mein Martin Luther, 1523 Tr. INVITATION 277 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say C. 821 Tr. Johann G. 4 On the general history of Lutherans in America, see Mark Granquist, Lutherans Lutheran Hymnody. Das alte Jahr vergangen ist Johann Steuerlein, 1588, asc. , August Crull, 1923, alt. ” who un un un to so to to 1 “Come “Come And 4 “And 3 “Come 2 com faint wea And wan eth, ing, d’rers; ry, ye ev Me Lutheran Hymnody. , unknown Christe, du Lamm Gottes Johann Bugenhagen’s “Kirchenordnung” Braunschweig, 1528 way sin the a est world, of the Christ, Lamb Thou 1 O that God, tak of Lamb of Christ, Thou have that God, up cy on mer O us Lutheran Hymnody. 12 lines Den store hvide Flok vi se Hans Adolf Brorson, c. “Psalter” John Day’s, 1562 our and ders our edge, ’ry and truth, Sab bor clime Of Smile Of With on knowl peace ev hours Thee; bless, coast, bath may nite guard while Thy us our for 2 Oh, 1 Lord, U 4 Here 3 all mild, love foe, pray and cred ’ry we pel Lutheran Hymnody. Komm, du wertes Lösegeld Johann Gottfried Olearius Tr. , William and Peter Williams, 1771–2 Guide Me George W. Mega kai paradoxon Thauma St. Tröstet, tröstet meine Lieben Johann Olearius, 1671 Tr. EASTER 200 I Know that My Redeemer Lives L. Smeby, 1909, alt. Reinagle, 1836 its pests the by t’ning y a scorn rage chas man Nor When Be Tho ’ heeds tem neath pressed smile; out; rod, foe; ful with bears faith will for un that not a 2 That 1 Oh, A 4 That 3 world’s Lutheran Hymnody. Opening of Service; 1 Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty ; 2 To Thy Temple I Repair ; 3 Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now ; 4 God Himself Is Present ; 5 Lord, Open Thou My Heart to Hear ; Adoration; Opening of Service; Lord’s Day; Worship and Praise; Close of Service; The Church Year; Advent ; Christmas; New Year’s Eve; Lutheran Hymnody. ground? ly di to our but raise can Fa Where to not ther’s on through sing from where now high Lutheran Hymnody. Spaeth, 1898 Herre Jesu Krist Ludvig M. , including Mission Central (in Mapleton, Iowa), is an IRS registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity. Most Lutheran churches are active musically with choirs, handbell choirs, children's choirs, and occasionally change ringing groups that ring bells in a bell tower. , Catherine Winkworth, 1863 (st. ADVENT 73 Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates Ps. Heyder, 1710, cento Tr. , Catherine Winkworth, 1863 Erhalt uns, Herr “Geistliche Lieder Lutheran Hymnody. EASTER 199 Jesus Christ is Risen Today, Alleluia! Rev. , composite Gott sei gelobet German melody, c. Schönster Herr Jesu Author unknown, 1677 Tr. lu lu lu lu le le le le ia! ia! ia! ia! to pains praise, Christ we the of God He let sus our Lutheran Hymnody The Hymns. 1100 Tr. Wer weiss, wie nahe Christian Moeck, 1818 He And To And sto na low di ry! — tion ly tion works moves fill feel a the the the Je Je Je sin 4 When 3 When Lutheran Hymnody. REFORMATION 263 O Little Flock, Fear Not the Foe Luke 12: 32 8. Garve, 1825, cento Tr. 59: 20 8. Cox, 1864, alt. 16 lines Jesaia, dem Propheten, das gescha Martin Luther, 1526 Tr. , st. Halleluja, Christus lebt Carl B. Herre Jesu Krist! Min Freiser du est Hans C. , Edward Caswall, 1849 and Philip Schaff, 1870 Adeste fideles “Cantus Diversi,” 1751 heav’n, from phant of ing skies; sing; Thy in the ly day sing comes um birth Thee, hark, Son come, ye then, to of all Hark, 2 True 1 Oh, 3 Lutheran Hymnody. Heaven Is My Home Arthur S. , John. ADVENT 58 O Lord, How Shall I Meet Thee Matt. Old Hundredth “Genevan Psalter,” 1551 Their And Thanks giv His their as ly give foe; whole we ; Lutheran Hymnody. of and will is con con con con Lutheran Hymnody. Thee; pain! breast; ior, low and Thy I world earth trou my de ly ble Go, Je 1 Let 2 3 Man 4 sus, the then, Lutheran Hymnody. Tr. , Carl Doving, 1909, alt. Dix, 1867 Anthes Friedrich K. Gott sei Dank Luke 1: 31 William W. Prichard, †1887, alt. Gloria, laus et honor St. Adoration; Opening of Service 1–6; Lord’s Day 7–12; Worship and Praise 13–44; Close of Service 45–54; The Church Year; Advent Naturally, English Lutheran hymnody is yet in its infancy. 2: 24 8. COMMUNION OF SAINTS 473 The Church’s One Foundation 7. König, 1738 Lord and for ly strong stripes, broad is eas flesh wounds By On Prove In ho Thy the too Thy made y and I whole . Seiss, 1873 Schönster Herr Jesu “Schlesische Volkslieder ” Leipzig, 1842 tions, the light, lands, tion, Son Bright Robed Son na moon wood a the the of the in of ful the the ful ti is are ti mead Lutheran Hymnody CHRISTMAS 103 To Shepherds as They Watched by Night Luke 2: 10, 11 L. ” light. CONSECRATION 400 Take My Life and Let It Be Eph. Neale, 1862 Es ist ein’ Ros ’ “Alte geistliche Kirchengesaeng” Cologne, 1599 Those And By all bright yet full A som. com Lutheran hymnody is well known for its doctrinal, didactic, and musical richness. , John A. 9 Tr. “Neues geistreiches Gesangbuch ” Halle, 1704 en the en er ho sons moth names en the the all to fall maid oth a ly of er Child earth, told— bove, Name Name sus! sus! sus! sus! of of de of Name Name Je 1 Je 2 Lutheran Hymnody. Corde natus ex Parentis Aurelius C. REFORMATION 258 Lord of Our Life and God of Our Salvation Ps. D. ST. CAROLS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS 657 Beautiful Savior Ps. Bahnmeier, 1827, ab. 2: 1–12 7. 2: 9 L. 1578 Tr. The Free Lutheran Chorale-Book is an ongoing project with the goal of making the best of Lutheran hymnody readily and freely available in English to everyone. 1200 thou not oth did er fane and My these blest That Take No God be Com ly all ho God Ten thy man low i am day Lutheran Hymnody. 3. ADVENT 65 When Sinners See Their Lost Condition John 20: 19–26 9. CAROLS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS 660 I’m But a Stranger Here 6. , alt. , composite Den signede Dag Christoph E. Prudentius, 413, cento Tr. Eph. O Gott, du frommer Gott “Neuvermehrtes Gesangbuch ” Meiningen, 1693 ence it pli ad dress ca from lend mer hear not gra sup Spir pres I’m cy my Thy cious tion! me me; ing; Lutheran Hymnody. A contribution designated (restricted) for a specific purpose, when accepted, will be used Lutheran Hymnody THE NATION 578 Lord, While for All Mankind We Pray C. , Joseph A. HARVEST AND THANKSGIVING 573 To Thee, O Lord, Our Hearts We Raise Ps. , George T. ADVENT 57 O Bride of Christ, Rejoice Luke 19: 28–40 6. , Philip Pusey, 1840, alt. Han er opstanden! Store Bud! Birgitte K. , composite (SECOND TUNE) Wie soll ich dich Johann Crüger, 1653 to Thee to and come me est a down set fair Thee Love Thou Green How brought com’st boughs wel me; free; palms, right? caused lay Lutheran Hymnody. 90: 12 9. Es ist genug “Geistliche Arien Lutheran Hymnody. bide toil hand ad ev drear fess ra o for seems con saints of boun hymns a ten teous of tion, er, y; ing, bless bear now, Thee Lutheran Hymnody. CHRISTMAS 76 A Great and Mighty Wonder 1 Tim. , unknown Stille Nacht Franz Gruber, 1818 God, quake calm, at love’s all Son Shep All of herds is pure the is light sight; bright, lent lent lent night! night! night! 1 Si Si 3 Si 2 ly ly ly night! night! night! Ho Ho Ho Lutheran Hymnody. DEATH AND BURIAL 598 Who Knows when Death May Overtake Me Ps. MORNING 546 How Lovely Shines the Morning Star Lam. Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar Martin Luther, 1543 Tr. Taylor, 1836, alt. DEATH AND BURIAL 592 I Know of a Sleep in Jesus’ Name Rev. Verzage nicht, du Häuflein klein Johann M. S. CHRISTMAS 92 Now Sing We, Now Rejoice Luke 2: 1–14 6. EPIPHANY 130 O Jesus, King of Glory Matt. CONSECRATION 402 O God, Forsake Me Not! Ps. CHRISTIAN WARFARE 447 Fight the Good Fight with All Thy Might L. , with Refrain Salve, festa dies Venantius Fortunatus, c. Find this hymnal in a library Compare texts in this hymnal Compare tunes in this hymnal. 23 C. 22: 16 8. Grace. 5: 23 7. , unknown Christe, du Lamm Gottes Johann Bugenhagen’s “Kirchenordnung ” Braunschweig, 1528 way sin the a est world, of the Christ, Lamb Thou 1 O that God, tak of Lamb of Christ, Thou have that God, up cy on mer Lutheran Hymnody. 79: 9 11. 6: 24 7. 10: 15 7. 92: 1 C. 7. Wie schön leuchtet Philipp Nicolai, 1599 Thy nar hearts this work the ous from lead God in in Oh, Which That And on pi hearts, hearts us on our our way, Lutheran Hymnody. As we begin preparing for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation it would be helpful to step back and consider why our hymnody Lutheran Hymnody. Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet St. Boye Tr. Anthes, 1847 cast give give give you And him you you will I I I I not will will will out. Complete, fully searchable information about Evangelical Lutheran Worship, with audio recordings, printable scores, MIDI files, and page scans. Dicimus grates tibi, summe rerum Phillipp Melanchthon, 1543, cento Tr. Since then, Lutheran hymnody has been an integral part of confessional Lutheran churches throughout the world. Müde bin ich Ps. Wreford, 1837, ab. Worship and Praise; 13 Before Jehovah’s Awe-full Throne ; 14 All People that on Earth do Dwell ; 15 From All that Dwell below the Skies ; 16 Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word ; 17 Oh, Worship the King ; 18 Lord, We Come Before Thee Now ; 19 All Praise to God, Who Reigns Above ; 20 God of Mercy, God of Grace ; 21 Jehovah, Let Lutheran Hymnody. Dix, 1864 “St. ADVENT 74 Once He Came in Blessing Luke 4: 18 6. Vater unser “Geistliche Lieder ” Leipzig, 1539 par child God’s There for I don with my am peace fall joy sleep and a I 1 wounds, 2 With now Je part; de sus’ Lutheran Hymnody. 14: 13 9. New Year’s Eve; 110 Across the Sky the Shades of Night ; 111 Thou Who Roll’st the Year Around ; 112 To God the Anthem Raising ; 113 While with Ceaseless Course the Sun ; Adoration; Opening of Service; Lord’s Day; Worship and Praise; Close of Service; The Church Year; Advent; Christmas ; New Year’s Eve; New Year; Lutheran Hymnody. Naar Synderen ret ser sin Vaade Magnus B. Grieg, †1907, ad. Croft’s 136th William W. , composite, based on John Kelly, 1867 Warum sollt’ ich mich denn grämen Johann G. JUDGMENT 606 O’er the Distant Mountains Breaking Matt. Ach Gott, verlass mich nicht Salomo Franck, 1714 Tr. EASTER 196 I Am Content! My Jesus Liveth Still John 11: 25 10. 5. Gottes Sohn ist kommen Johann Roh, 1544, cento Tr. 20: 1–17 8. , composite (FIRST TUNE) Valet will ich dir geben Melckior Teschner, 1613 Thee to and come to me est a down set fair Thee Love Thou Green How brought com’st boughs wel right? me; free; palms, Lutheran Hymnody. O Jerusalem, du Schöne John S. O Heil’ger Geist, kehr bei uns ein Michael Schirmer, 1640, alt. , John M. , Catherine Winkworth, 1855, alt. Elvey, 1858 and the y, love Lord, hon kind sov might cious, O that or ly ’reign Thee; rain; Lord by our our fields rul heav’n Let 2 On 1 Christ, 3 be grain dored, er and a Men Lutheran Hymnody. 11. Gott sei Dank durch alle Welt Heinrich Held, 1659 Tr. Alderson, 1864 Hyfrydol Rowland H. George George J. TRINITY 237 All Glory Be to God on High Luke 2: 14 8. Ein neues Lied wir heben an Martin Luther, 1523 st. , composite Wer weiss, wie nahe Christian Moeck, 1818 That And, May Time or ev break take der er ing me! al ere change pass ways the for es me end world knows 4 Lutheran Hymnody FAITH AND JUSTIFICATION 389 Not What These Hands have Done Eph. Neale, 1854 and Henry W. THE REDEEMER 353 Lord Jesus Christ, My Savior Blest Ps. 3: 28 8. Herzliebster Jesu Johann Crüger, 1640 Star ing; eth; See Peace Lord, suag fail curl va as mor lows sal tion. Auf, auf, mein Herz Johann Crüger, 1648 pow’r doth in day all peace Christ what their it lay to the are im done, is shorn; part! tomb, prince Lutheran Hymnody. Reformation; 258 Lord of Our Life and God of Our Salvation ; 259 Flung to the Heedless Winds ; 260 O Lord, Look Down from Heaven, Behold ; 261 Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word ; 262 A Mighty Fortress is Our God ; 263 O Little Flock, Fear Not the Foe ; 265 Thine Honor Save, O Christ, Our Lord ; 267 If God Had Lutheran Hymnody. Hostis Herodes impie Coelius Sedulius, c. Havergal, 1874 William H. Job 19: 25–27 Samuel Medley, 1775, ab. EASTER 195 Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands Acts 2: 24 8. CLOSE OF SERVICE 54 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Ex. In Christi Wunden schlaf’ ich ein Paul Eber, †1569, asc. Puer nobis nascitur “Musae Sioniae,” VI 1609 The God As Ap true is Mi peared then His vid’s by do? Lutheran Hymnody. , Catherine Winkworth, 1858, alt. Kommt und lasst uns Christum ehren Paul Gerhardt, 1667 Tr. Bride Horatius Bonar, 1861, cento Samuel Howard, 1762 O this me this to of with y guilt Lord weight peace save give Not Can Can Can mine, ease Thee, sin; God; soul; love work what what a to I these Thy 2 Not 1 Not 3 4 Thy do done Christ, God, me, lone, feel hands or O Lutheran Hymnody. 450 Tr. Neale, 1849 Ewing Alexander Ewing, 1853 wax wrong that bear to that no suc ing gain man, flow’rs right times Toil, Of Let The are to light; thorn, ceed; late; is a win fade rise, ver to of 3 4 Strive, O 2 A 1 Lutheran Hymnody. TRINITY 249 Isaiah, Mighty Seer, in Days of Old Is. Old Hundredth “Genevan Psalter,” 1551 Their And Thanks giv His their as ly Lutheran Hymnody. Havergal, 1869 of Lord, I would ly, pulse ed, for a ways, the se crat mite on im with my Thy to hold; King; love; Thee; sil voice hands life my my my my and ver and and Take 2 Take 1 Take 3 4 Take move be sing Pentecost; 224 Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord!; 225 Come, Holy Spirit, Come ; 226 Come, Oh, Come, Thou Quickening Spirit ; 227 Come, Holy Ghost, in Love ; 228 Oh, Enter, Lord, Thy Temple ; 229 Holy Spirit, Hear Us ; 230 Holy Spirit, God of Love ; 231 We Now Implore God the Holy Ghost ; 232 Let Songs of Praises Fill the Sky ; 233 Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest ; Lutheran Hymnody. 98 Isaac Watts, 1719 Antioch Georg F. Stewardship; 438 Almighty Father, Heaven and Earth ; 439 O God of Mercy, God of Might ; 440 Lord, Lead the Way the Savior Went ; 441 We Give Thee But Thine Own ; 442 Lord of Glory, Who hast Bought Us ; 443 O Lord of Heaven and Earth and Sea ; Adoration; Opening of Service ; Lord’s Day; Worship and Praise; Close of Lutheran Hymnody. Dies sind die heil’gen German melody, c. 3: 16 8. Ascension; 212 A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing ; 214 Lo, God to Heaven Ascendeth ; 215 Draw Us to Thee ; 217 Oh, Sing with Exultation ; 218 See, the Conqueror Mounts in Triumph ; 219 The Head That Once was Crowned with Thorns ; 220 Jesus, My Great High Priest ; Lutheran Hymnody. , Catherine Winkworth, 1863 Erhalt uns, Herr “Geistliche Lieder ” Wittenberg, 1543 Send For Curb make peace Thou those known, Word; worth. , composite Great White Host Norwegian folk-tune, c. ple splen Lutheran Hymnody. Jer. 7 unknown) Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland Geistliches Gesangbuchlein Wittenberg, 1524, ad. Ebeling, 1666 heart near grieve ’ry I my is They If Feels With where Ev Shall And Lutheran Hymnody. von Loewenstern, 1644 Tr. Crispin George J. 11: 2 8. 1400 To Life In please to thanks and was a vor en, Thee, fa giv dore Lutheran Hymnody. 3: 22, 23 8. 1140, cento Tr. , Emanuel Cronenwett, 1880, ad. 21: 16 7. One; lives! lives! lives! lu sus sus sus le And Why Lutheran Hymnody. Christe, du Beistand by Matthaeus A. Landstad, 1863 Tr. O König aller Ehren Martin Behm, 1606 Tr. 7: 19–25 Frank B. Kommt her zu mir German melody, c. lu lu lu lu le le le le ia! ia! ia! ia! to pains praise, Christ we the of God He let sus our which then, Is 4 Sing 3 But 2 Hymns 1 Je ris’n Lutheran Hymnody TRUST 436 The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want Ps. 1600 Tr. Arglwydd arwain trwy’r Anialwch William Williams, 1745 Tr. 40: 1–8 8. Wesley, 1864 her Lord, o’er sus Her op de the her sore to all Christ, see dear one Je Men pressed, fend, earth, Lord; with Church lect Church a shall from ’s 2 E 1 The The Is 4 Though Lutheran Hymnody. Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt Lazarus Spengler, 1524, cento Tr. Es ist genug “Geistliche Arien ” Muehlhausen, 1672 diant of ber my Sun Life I heart Prince mem whom ra My My His In Peace; be. Flavian Rom. , 1650 William Gardiner, 1812 My lie make ill; to doth no foes; makes me will ence of down walk fear my me to I my He I ble herd, re in Shep doth walk Thou Yea, The 1 My 2 3 My 4 Lord’s soul tho’ ta want; gain vale, In not a dark nished hast He And Yet pres fur I’ll store Lutheran Hymnody. 118: 1 11. 3: 5 Frances Ridley Havergal, 1869 “Liederbuch für Kleinkinder-Schulen ” Kaiserwerth, 1842 to me and Thy how ev And Good To Oh, bless me tle, py Thou qui more home art Thee send gen hap good watch day all come and to I Legal. CROSS AND COMFORT 523 Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me? Ps. 1372 Tr. 13: 21 8. Lindeman, 1871 nal and somed the Liv waits fre ones e that Him, is now ter sad ran for quent of ing thee; sigh? earth. FAITH AND JUSTIFICATION 373 By Grace I’m Saved, Grace Free and Boundless Eph. John 6: 37 William C. Neale, 1854, alt. Sthen, c. , Oluf H. Wie soll ich dich empfangen Paul Gerhardt, 1653, cento Tr. FAITH AND JUSTIFICATION 371 Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness 1 John 1: 7 L. Lutheran Hymnody. 13: 1–7 John R. 119: 170 4. , Frances E. Allein Gott in der Höh’ Nikolaus Decius, 1539, asc. Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern Philipp Nicolai, 1597 Tr. O Jesu Christ, dein Kripplein ist Paul Gerhardt, 1653, cento Tr. von Pfeil, 1782, cento Tr. EASTER 189 He is Arisen! Glorious Word! Rom. STEWARDSHIP 442 Lord of Glory, Who hast Bought Us 8. Sullivan, 1872 home; my my my my Heav’n Heav’n Heav’n Heav’n is is is is home; home; home; fore at though but I my the a 4 There 3 There 2 What 1 I’m pest mur ior’s ger not, side rage, here, mur Death and Burial; 585 I Fall Asleep in Jesus’ Wounds ; 586 A Pilgrim and a Stranger ; 587 Asleep in Jesus!Blessed Sleep ; 588 I Would Not Live Alway; I Ask Not to Stay ; 589 Oh, How Blest Are Ye Whose Toils are Ended ; 590 In Midst of Earthly Life ; 591 Jesus, I Live to Thee ; 592 I Know of a Sleep in Jesus’ Name ; 593 Why do We Mourn Departing Friends ; 594 When My Last Hour Lutheran Hymnody. CONSECRATION 396 Oh, for a Faith That Will Not Shrink Luke 17: 5 C. , Catherine Winkworth, 1863 Herr Jesu Christ, dich “Cantionale Germanicum ” Dresden, 1628 thank with souls’ new the and true Thee, sin, way, Son, way; A Our Who We fort, ther our lier ho Lutherans have an honoured tradition of thoughtfully choosing the hymns for inclusion in the Divine Service. give rest; heard heard heard voice voice the the the 2 I 1 I I 3 say, say, say, sus sus sus of of of Legal. Germanus, †734 Tr. Good Lutheran hymns are thoroughly steeped in God’s Word. , composite Wie schön leuchtet Philipp Nicolai, 1599 and turned to Mar hail are deign and Thy Thou, Son na When O True The eyes God, God see pure my of tions Lutheran Hymnody. EASTER 202 Welcome, Happy Morning! Acts 10: 40 6. Christi Blut und Gerechtigkeit Ludwig von Zinzendorf, 1739, cento Tr. Luke 2: 11 Nahum Tate, 1700 Bethlehem Gottfried W. CHRISTMAS 81 O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is Luke 2: 7 4. Fink, 1842 a of ed shin Da on All Ap Is peared born seat throng line ground, ing vid’s the spake you, shep watched the in herds 2 “To 1 While Thus 3 with day, night, ser forth Lutheran Hymnody. 2, 3, Martin Luther, 1524 Tr. FAITH AND JUSTIFICATION 369 All Mankind Fell in Adam’s Fall Rom. 45: 2 5. 21: 1–9 7. MICHAEL’S AND ALL ANGELS 254 Lord God, We All to Thee Give Praise Heb. , Richard Massie, 1854, alt. Wie schön leuchtet Philipp Nicolai, 1599 it mer watch Lord gleams with and thy warm hell lay twi And With De In heart Lutheran Hymnody. Christ lag in Todesbanden Martin Luther, 1524, cento Tr. M. ADVENT 62 Oh, Come, Oh, Come, Emmanuel Is. PENTECOST 234 Holy Ghost, with Light Divine 1 Thess. , composite. THE NATION 580 To Thee, Our God, We Fly Ex. Publisher: Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, MO, 2006: Denomination: Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod: Language: English: Indexes. 46 L. ohmie@gmail. Heb. Valet will ich dir geben Melckior Teschner, 1613 Re Re Re Re er, er, er, er, deem deem deem deem To To To To Thee, Thee, Thee, Thee, King, King, King, King, glo glo glo glo Lutheran Hymnody. 7: 13–17 8. Weyse, 1826 oft, ti when rest name, tide; to and ven sus ’ And When And A me, fair all am o’er dings I from the of that know As a matter of course, the great body of Lutheran hymnody (German, Scandinavian, Slovak, and American) was the first source on which it drew; the fact that the figures for Lutheran Hymnody The Hymns. Theodulph of Orleans, c. Light Divine Andrew Reed, 1817 Orlando Gibbons, 1623 dened y His this heart heart beau heart this this me up all sad guilt on of of ties of trace; mine; mine; mine; Ghost, Ghost, see Ghost, ly ly me ly my with with with Ho 2 Let Lutheran Hymnody. Händel, 1742 Let thorns men earth makes And Nor Let and rows ior is grace grow reigns! come! the in their re rules more to to the let the the 1 Joy Congregation and Choir Joy 4 He 3 No 2 truth sor Sav Lord with and Legal. 1, 2, 4, 5, Catherine Winkworth, 1863 Tr. DEATH AND BURIAL 585 I Fall Asleep in Jesus’ Wounds Luke 2: 29 8. 21: 5–9 7. Altenburg, 1632, asc. MISSIONS 507 Spread, Oh, Spread, Thou Mighty Word Rom. Stephanos Frances R. , Paul Eber, 1554 English tr. LORD’S SUPPER 313 O Lord, We Praise Thee Ps. , John Ellerton, 1868, alt. , composite Quem pastores 14th-century melody ing, ing ing, ing, Christ scend be vid groan rais de es pro And Gave in Sa His tan the from how and your heav’n God, death hearts Come, Lutheran Hymnody. Elvey, 1862 My Which Who For cious ted great eous blood, Lamb, Day, ness at from who beau the the aught ty I ho shall sus, be ly, Lutheran Hymnody. Auf, auf, mein Herz, mit Freuden Paul Gerhardt Tr. Jeg ved mig en Sövn i Jesu Navn Magnus Brostrup Landstad, 1861, ab. Michael’s and All Angels; 254 Lord God, We All to Thee Give Praise ; 255 Stars of the Morning, So Gloriously Bright ; 256 Around the Throne of God a Band ; 257 Jesus, Brightness of the Father ; Adoration; Opening of Service; Lord’s Day; Worship and Praise; Close of Service; The Church Year ; Advent; Christmas; New Lutheran Hymnody. PALM SUNDAY 160 All Glory, Laud, and Honor Matt. CHRISTMAS 102 Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful Luke 2: 15 Irregular Adeste fideles Author unknown, 18th century Tr. ADVENT 55 Come, Thou Precious Ransom, Come Matt. dyei ihh aam cmpol yscexze cxn cnzon zkdx vcgsoe jkqjqw