Comparative literature princeton Her current projects focus on lyric poetry, the intersections between 20th-century historiography and literary theory, and new dir Office Hours Fall 2024: Fall Academic LeavePeriod(s): Medieval and Early Modern IberiaLanguages: Spanish, French, ItalianResearch Interests: medieval and early modern literature and theoryI received my B. The age-old relationship between literature and war is fundamentally a problem of ethics. He is Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873 Image Credits This course traces the history of criticism in comparative literature along with recent critical developments such as surface reading, distant reading, affect theory, necropolitics, queer futurity, the new materialism, thing theory, biopolitics, ecocriticism, world literature, theory from the south, critiques of neoliberalism, and so on. 251-273 23 p. A breakfast of eggs, bagels, donuts, and fruit are provided by the department, though students are free to supplement these it Off screen link: Skip to content Off screen link: Skip to search This course invites rethinking established theories of postcolonial literature outside the national allegory, modern subjectivity, & the politics of identity. Toggle navigation. of Comparative Literature at Princeton, she was a member of the German Dept. His main interests are in poetry and poetics (especially formalist and structuralist Comparative Literature Graduate Pedagogy Seminar practicum required of departmental PhD students and open only to those concurrently teaching in their first course at Princeton. Before joining the department, she studied philosophy and literature in Europe; at Princeton, she works and teaches on 20 th century literature in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Comparative Literature. In this course we will read all of Fanon's major writings: Black Skin, White Masks, A Dying Colonialism, Toward the African Revolution, and The Wretched of the Earth, as well as essays in Alienation and Freedom. Term. 138 SUBJECTS. With Benno Wagner and Jack Greenberg, he co-edited, with comment Perkins-Cotsen Lecturer in the Society of Fellows / Lecturer in Comparative Literature and Humanistic Studies I hold a B. Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: A professor of both English and comparative literature, she also serves on the film studies committee and the women’s studies faculty. Research Tools + Catalog; Data and Statistics; Databases; Finding Aids; Comparative Literature; Comparative Literature. His most recent book is Literature and the Taste of Knowledge. Author of Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success. Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Topics in Comparative Literature: Writing Lives (LA) Subject associations. pdf) Job candidates in Comparative Literature should consult this handbook early in the spring prior to going on the market. Y. Please email bencbaer@princeton. Sandra Lekas Bermann. Footer. Periods: Eighteenth century British and European literature. Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873 Image Credits Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873 Image Credits Comparative Literature. This course investigates the aesthetics of abjection in late 19th. Compiled by Mary George, Spring 2015; revised by John Logan, 27 February 2019. He has previously taught at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland) and at Miami University (Ohio), and in 2003-4 he was a Mellon Fellow at the Cornell University Society for the Humanities. L. Welcome to the Department of Comparative Literature. Please note the deadlines for required forms. This course is centrally concerned with ethics and aesthetics: the ethics of war, the aesthetics of war literature and film, and the ethics of making art about war. 68, 3, p. Nine departmental courses are required of each student, chosen according to the type of comparative work pursued. Research output : Contribution to journal › Review article › peer-review Epic of Gilgamesh 100% Welcome to Princeton! We are pleased that you will join us this fall and have created this website to help you through this exciting time. It explores the triangulation of warfare, literature, and ethics in the 20th-21st centuries, ap 3Periods: Early Modernity. View additional details for Introduction to Comparative Literature. This seminar introduces students to fundamental works, terms, and concepts in poetics. Accessibility Help Leonard Barkan is the Class of 1943 University Professor at Princeton, where he teaches in the Department of Comparative Literature along with appointments in the Departments of Art and Archaeology, English, and Classics. Focusing on "non-places" and "minor" characters, the course seeks to understand the postcolonial imaginary beyond the utopia of community and the dystopia of postmodern angst and to explore selves She earned her bachelor's degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Chicago where she was a Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow (2016) and obtained her Master’s with distinction in Literature, Languages, and Cultures from the University of Edinburgh (2018). B Periods: Modern and Contemporary Languages: Russian, French, German Research interests: the intersection of literature and the visual arts; genre theory; film theory and history; critical theory and cultural studies Jacob Plagmann received his B. A. Stude Aliya Ram is a PhD candidate in Comparative Literature and the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities at Princeton. I also hold a D. to 1:00 p. The exam runs from 9:00 a. PN851; Statement on language in description Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage Languages: Classical Greek and Latin, French, German Research Interests: Classical Philosophy, Nietzsche, Philosophy of Art, Literary Theory. This seminar familiarizes students with some of the fundamental theoretical, philosophical, and interpretive works on the arts and techne of sense-making from which critical, literary, aesthetic, social and media theory continue to derive today Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873 Image Credits The Writing and Dissertation Colloquium is a biweekly forum for graduate students in Comparative Literature to share works in progress with other graduate students. Simon Gikandi is Robert Schirmer Professor of English at Princeton University with affiliations in the Department of Comparative Literature, the Program in African Studies, and the Center for African American Studies. Comparative Literature compares literatures, not only as accumulations of primary works, but as the languages, cultures, histories, traditions, theories, and practices with which those works come. Research Interests: Early Modern Scientific Literature Office Hours Fall 2022: . 1990 Harvard University (Comparative Literature), additional study at the University of Konstanz, Germany (two years) and Moscow State University (one year). Email for example, which was both part of my dissertation and featured in April 2007 on the Princeton campus, a premiere of the unrealized Pushkin / Meyerhold / Prokofiev staging of 1937); others are relatively "What is a Classic?" asks what goes into the making of a classic text. Readings are drawn from literature, linguistics and philosophy from the ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary periods. The 90-minute sessions, done in conjunc Location: 4th Floor, Morrison Hall Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey 08544 USA The Princeton Sourcebook in Comparative Literature is a wide-ranging anthology of classic essays and important recent statements on the mission and methods of comparative literary studies. g. Accessibility Help Comparative Literature. The University also offers a growing number of joint degree offerings, graduate certificates and interdepartmental programs that allow students to work across disciplinary boundaries while still continuing to receive advanced training and a degree in the home department. 2 Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873. Increasing Access to and Developing Digital Tools for Early African Literature: The Princeton Ethiopian, Egyptian, and Eritrean Miracles of Mary Project. Recipient of DAAD, Danforth, Whiting, Howard, and Humboldt Fellowships, she is the author of The Imposition of Form. of Comparative Literature at Princeton, where she has taught since 1985. edu Professor Karen EmmerichDirector of Undergraduate Studies035 East Pyne609-258-0841karene@Princeton. Princeton University majors in Comparative Literature go on to strong careers. D. Marks '19 Professor of Comparative Literature (609) 258–2878 103 East Pyne Building dheller@Princeton. University fellowships generally are granted to all entering doctoral candidates for their first year of study, thereby freeing them from the need to Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873 Image Credits The Comparative Literature Reading Selection List assists majors in reading historically important texts across literary genres. EDUProf. Instructors. eduPhone: (609) 258-4028Valerie KankaGraduate AdministratorOffice Location: 133 East PyneEmail: vjk Office Hours Fall 2024: Wednesdays 1:30-3:30pm and by appointment. 1981 2019. Joined the Princeton faculty in 1990. U. in Comparative Literature from Columbia University and an M. Princeton University Office Hours Spring 2022: By appointment Period(s): Early Modern Literature, art, and culture; Antiquity Languages: Italian, French, German, Latin Research Interests: Early Modern and Ancient literature and art; Before joining the Dept. That may seem an overly broad definition, but since its founding at Princeton, first as a program and then as a department, it has witnessed a series of important changes in what constitutes the discipline of Comparative Literature. The program of study in comparative literature combines the students’ work in their major and minor literatures by focusing on a specific area in which these literatures can be fully explored. Focusing on "minor" works of major postcolonial writers, the course seeks to understand the postcolonial imaginary beyond the utopia of community, the dystopia of postmodern angst, & the roma The Bible will be read closely in its own right and as an enduring resource for literature and commentary. These typically include: facilitating discussions, delivering At Princeton he teaches mainly contemporary fiction, modern poetry and the theory and history of criticism. The course will cover its forms and genres, including historical narrative, uncanny tales, prophecy, lyric, lament, commandment, sacred biography, and apocalypse; its pageant of weird and extraordinary characters; and its brooding intertextual Comparative Literature. It also offers tools As their web description states, “Comparative Literature Studies publishes comparative critical articles that range across the rich traditions of Africa, Asia, Europe, and North and South America, and that examine the literary relations between East and West, North and South. Proust during WWI; Freud during WWII; and Borges during Peronismo. The Princeton Sourcebook in Comparative Literature is a wide-ranging anthology of classic essays and important recent statements on the mission and methods of comparative literary studies. Results will link to pages containing your terms; results from subject page searches are automatically filtered by that subject. Comparative Literature; Person. His books include Good places to start exploring the major are Comparative Literature/ Humanistic Studies 205-206 or Humanistic Studies 216-219. Historically, comparative literature was a place where students used linguistic Comparative Literature. from Princeton in Romance Languages. These are, respectively, Classical Roots of Western Literature; Masterworks of European Literature; and In Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873. . In fact, they may not write them in any language other than English. Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873 Image Credits Job Candidates' Handbook (Password protected . Ben Baer is a comparatist and not an area Theory and Methods of Comparative Literature: Critical and Literary Theory: Junior Seminar: Introduction to Comparative Literature: Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873. Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Theory and Methods of Comparative Literature: Critical and Literary Theory: Junior Seminar: Introduction to Comparative Literature: Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873. ” We urge all alumni who majored in comparative literature to sign up for this list. I seek to place non-Western and minority languages and The Department of Comparative Literature will be scheduling virtual visits due to the pandemic. Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873 Image Credits Princeton University Library. students who come to Princeton with an M. Instructor of Deep Reading Journals as Publishing Praxis. Anthropology Comparative Literature Computer Science East Asian Studies Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Comparative Literature. Professor of German at Yale in 1984, she was recruited the same year to join the Dept. edu. The class This seminar familiarizes students with some of the fundamental theoretical, philosophical, and interpretive works on aesthetic formation, temporality, and the techne of sense-making from whose interrelation critical and dialectical literary, social, and media theory all continue to derive today. Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ Stanley Corngold, a graduate of Columbia and Cornell Universities, has published widely on modern German writers and thinkers (e. Belcher, W. Office Hours Spring 2022: . He did graduate work at the University of Michigan (PhD, Far Eastern Languages and Literature, 1981) before moving to Stanford University where he worked in the Department of Asian Languages and, eventually, the Department of Comparative Literature. At once creative and provocative, Apter's witty analyses of multilingual matters in literature makes a major contribution to a range of disciplines from translation studies, comparative literature and linguistics, postcolonial studies, to mainstream literary studies in French and English. He worked first in nineteenth century studies, particularly on the novel and the history of literary ideas and then developed interests in post-war French writing Periods: 19th-21st century Languages: Hebrew, Arabic, AnglophoneResearch Interests: Comparative literature, cultural studies, critical theory, intellectual history, religionMy work strives to decolonize my main areas of study: comparative literature, Jewish studies, and Middle Eastern studies. , Dilthey, Nietzsche, Musil, Kraus, Mann, Benjamin, Adorno, among others), but for the most part he has translated and written on the work of Franz Kafka. Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 At Princeton, she chaired the Department of Comparative Literature for twelve years, served as Head of Whitman College and of Stevenson Hall, co-founded the Program in Translation and Intercultural Communication, and led the President’s Working Group on the Bridge Year Program. These funds are intended to offset either the cost of formal summer language program, or the expenses associated with junior paper research. Comparative Literature at Princeton invites students both to read texts closely and to think about the nature, function, and value of This course provides a general introduction to the theory and methods of comparative literature, with an emphasis on issues of interdisciplinarity. Registrar description. David Damrosch is professor of English and comparative litera-ture at Columbia University and a past president of the Ameri-can Comparative Literature Association. She works at the intersection of early Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873 Image Credits The Department of Comparative Literature has limited funds to be awarded on a competitive basis both to sophomores intending to major in Comparative Literature, and to juniors already enrolled in the program. Junior Papers in Comparative Literature are eligible for the following prizes:Department of Comparative Literature Junior Paper Prize. m. Florian Endres joined the Department of Comparative Literature in 2020. Topics in Literature and Philosophy: 'Porn Wars': Powers of Speech and Representation. Roman Poets in Modern Guise: The Reception of Roman Poetry Since World War I Theodore Ziolkowski 2020 Cervantes' Persiles and the Travails of Romance Marina S. Her dissertation posits how impersonality –or the ability not to be oneself– can often supersede personal identity, and it delineates a Comparative Literature. Browse our best resources, organized by subject. at Yale, where she taught German language and comparative literature. Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: Eduardo Cadava is Professor of English, and an Associate Member of the Department of Comparative Literature, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, the School of Architecture, the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies, and the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies. COM 370 / ECS 386 / HUM 371. This area may be a limited segment of literary history (the late Middle Ages, the 16th century, Romanticism) or a particular Comparative literature departments — and Princeton’s is no exception — have also become productive communities for the consideration of criticism, whether post-structuralist or classical, linguistic or anthropological. Search Princeton's Library Catalog for (a) specific books listed at the end of the encyclopedia articles or other background material you have read, and (b) books that have the subject headings This course is an invitation to rethink established accounts of postcolonial literature outside national allegory, modern subjectivity, and the symbolic. This pioneering What kind of social institution is literature? Through close study of literary and theoretical texts, we examine ways literature is understood as reflecting, conditioning, representing, subverting, performing, or constructing the ethics and values of societies and cultures. Overview; Contacts; Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873. Please schedule via wass. Students are allowed up to four hours to write and polish their essays. Brownlee 2019 Indigenous Vanguards: He came to Princeton in 2001, having been an undergraduate here in the raucous ‘70s. Emmerich, K. Accessibility Help Nick Nesbitt received his PhD in Romance Languages and Literatures (French) with a Minor in Brazilian Portuguese from Harvard University. This seminar will trace the history of the rapport between literature and photography by looking closely at a number of literary and theoretical texts that differently address questions central to b Associate Professor, Princeton University, Department of Comparative Literature and the Center for African American Studies. 2000 2023. or equivalent course work elsewhere may receive credit for no more than two courses taken elsewhere against the ten required for credit Princeton University Doctoral Dissertations, 2011-2024; Comparative Literature; Comparative Literature Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 64 next > Issue Date Title Author(s) 2024: Labors of Formation: Pedagogy and Collectivity in the Modernist Frame: Kleinbock, Elias: 2024 This course addresses recent developments in literary criticism, such as surface reading, distant reading, affect theory, print culture, necropolitics, queer futurity, melancholic historicism, animal studies, thing theory, systems theory, ecocriticism, critical race studies, world literature, theory from the south, critiques of neoliberalism, and s An introduction to poetics, its history and some of its fundamental works and terms, from antiquity to the medieval, modern and contemporary periods. Our readings are drawn from philosophy and linguistics as well as literature. 211 Jones Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544 Xita Rubert is a Spanish writer and PhD Candidate at Princeton. Starting with Marx's Communist Manifesto (1848), the course focuses on the manifesto as a linguistic and performative genre connected to the experience of disenchantment. This course provides an opportunity to discover literary works from languages with small reading populations which rarely attract academic attention in the USA. It reflects on how comparative literature and thought reckon with decoloniality and perhaps become a vital resource for it. He was a British Council Scholar at the U The senior comprehensive examination is taken on one day in mid- May, usually a day or two after Dean's Date. Studies in Narrative Representation and Knowledge; Lines Froma I. All three lived during traumatic historical periods. Faculty; Comparative Literature; Renaissance and Early Modern Studies Joseph Henry House Princeton, New Jersey 08544. COMP LITERATURE; Comparative literature (Online) ISSN 1945-8517 LCCN 2002227144 OCLC 50709734 Lc class. A total of 49 full-time professors and language lecturers offer students, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels, the opportunity to study with preeminent scholar Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures and Comparative Literature. Accessibility Help The Department of East Asian Studies at Princeton University invites you to explore the culture, history, societies, politics, and languages of East Asia (China, Japan, and Korea). Main Menu. Serena plans to pursue degrees in social anthropology and world literatures at Oxford University through the scholarship. Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609 Before joining the Department of Comparative Literature at Princeton, I was on the faculty of the University of Cyprus (2011-2012) and the University of Oregon (2012-2014) . edu for an appointment. Make sure you have fulfilled the prerequisite; namely, that you will be able to take a non-English language literature course at the 200 level or higher by the fall A course in the foundational texts of contemporary critical theory. His books include Comparative Literature. These include works by Diderot, Lessing, Kant, Hegel This course is on the structure and form of the modern manifesto, its role in the shaping of a poetics of decolonization and the making of postcolonial literature. Off screen link: Skip to content Off screen link: Skip to search. We consider the relationship of comparative The Department of Comparative Literature trains students in the analysis and interpretation of texts. , early 20th c. Vol 22. His academic research and writing practice spans the fields of continental philosophy, cri Below is a list of research books, translations, and edited volumes written by current Princeton University Department of Comparative Literature faculty. Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873 Image Credits Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873 Image Credits world’s literatures, The Princeton Sourcebook in Comparative Literature helps readers navigate a rapidly evolving discipline in a dramatically changing world. Special issue: “The Politics of Social Reproduction” edited by Cinzia Arruzza and Kelly Gawel. We focus on the death penalty and representations of violence and coexisten The Secret Life of Crowds: Gender, Sexuality, and the Masses Princeton University | Department of Comparative Literature | April 5-7, 2018Keynote speaker: Professor Klaus Theweleit Critical discourses about gender and sexuality frequently find their starting point in the body of an individual. Emmerich loves to chat with those interested in majoring in Comparative Literature, whether first- or second-year Princeton students, so don't Comparative Literature. April Alliston. Students will consider possible definitions and constituents of Comparative Literature Graduate Pedagogy Seminar: Radical Pedagogies. Put differently, how does the theory of decoloniality bring to bear or put generative pressure on the comparative method? Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax 2024-2025Darja Filippova, Visiting Scholar at NYU's Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia and Faculty in Honors Program at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) in NYC Elias Kleinbock, Lecturer, Program in Structured Liberal Education (SLE), Stanford University. It focuses on four, monumental poems from the ancient Mediterranean and Near East: Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, Virgil's Aeneid, and Gilgamesh, which are discussed through comparison across traditions, ranging as far as Chinese poetry. My academic commitment to translation as a mode and model for comparative work in the humanities is complemented by my work as a translator of modern and contemporary Greek Frantz Fanon is among the most important intellectuals of the twentieth century whose writings are critical in rethinking our world. The DUS really loves to chat with those interested in majoring in Comparative Literature, whether first- or second-year Princeton students, so don't hesitate to make an appointment. He is interested in various aspects of classical Chinese literature, including Ming-Qing fiction and early Chinese philosophical and historical texts, as well as topics in pre-modern Japanese literature. C Arthur W. Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873. The foreigner, the pervert, the outcast: the imaginary of literary decadence is fixated on figures at the margins of the social order, who are valorized and exalted. All Search Box * Go to search results. Owen Aldridge Prize for the Best Essay in Comparative Literature Joseph Croft Fellowship PIIRS Summer Funding Language Grant. David Bellos gained his doctorate in French literature from Oxford University (UK) and taught subsequently at Edinburgh, Southampton and Manchester before coming to Princeton in 1997. Her work explores the relationships between aesthetic innovation, subject formation and coercive social bonds, and she is writing her dissertation on experiments with literary address in twentieth century fiction and poe Fay Slakey is a second-year graduate student in the department of Comparative Literature. She took her Ph. You can learn more about their career trajectories at the LinkedIn Princeton University Compara Periods: Modern and ContemporaryLanguages: Bengali, German, FrenchResearch Interests: Marxism, Deconstruction, Postcolonial Literature and Theory, Translation Problems, Subaltern PredicamentsOffice Hours Fall 2024: Thursday, 10am-noon. The relationships among literature, philosophy, aesthetics, and linguistics will be investigated as they come to the fore in the intellectual development of the following, among others: modern philology, New Criticism, hermeneutics, structuralism, speech act theory, Marxist and cul View additional details for Introduction to Comparative Literature. and Intensive Portuguese at the Yale Summer Language Institute while a graduate student; appointed Asst. Princeton University has 42 degree-granting departments and programs that admit students. A [First Class Honors] in Literature from the University of Nairobi. The purpose of the group is for past majors to reconne The Department of Comparative Literature trains students in the analysis and interpretation of texts. Seminar will explore the relatio "What is a Classic?" asks what goes into the making of a classic text. Home; Graduate Submenu. The program of study enables students with exceptional training in languages and literatures to profit from the increased awareness and understanding that may be derived from the consideration of more than one literature and of She taught literature and language in the Yale English and German Depts. This individual body performatively constitutes its gen At Princeton, Daniel Heller-Roazen teaches introductory courses in Comparative Literature and Humanistic Studies, upper-level seminars in medieval literature and graduate seminars on various topics in the history of philosophy and literature. Eileen Reeves is Professor of Comparative Literature and an Associate Member of the Program in the History of Science at Princeton University. in Comparative Literature from Stanford. Accessibility Help Search the full text of this site. Peter Makhlouf, Lecturer, Department of Comparative Literature, Princeton UniversityM B. This pioneering collection brings together thirty-two pieces, from foundational statements by Herder, Madame de Staël, and Nietzsche to work by a range of Comparative Literature. (PI) National Endowment for the Humanities. Welcome to the Department of Comparative Literature! In this two-minute video, COM faculty and current majors welcome new COM majors in just twenty of the many languages studied in the department. All works taught in English. in Hispanic Studies from Smith College and my Ph. Menu. Subjects to be discussed include the senses of poiesis; performance; mimesis; the definition of verse; the poetics of pros Research Interests: Aesthetics, Continental Philosophy, Critical Theory, Psychoanalysis, Media Studies. She holds two masters’ degrees from the same university, the first in Medieval Celtic Languages and the second in Medieval History. He has been a professor of English and of Art History at universities including Northwestern, Michigan, and N. All three were fascinated by similar topics: dreams and memory; sexuality; Judaism. Professor Wendy Laura Belcher is Professor of African literature with a joint appointment in the Princeton University Department of Comparative Literature and the Department for African American Studies. princeton. The curriculum encompasses literatures, languages, and cultures from around the world. Zeitlin was born in 1933, educated at Radcliffe-Harvard (BA 1954) and Columbia University (PhD 1970), retired from Princeton University in 2010 as the Charles Ewing Professor of Greek Language and Literature in the Department B. Languages: English, French Research Interests: theory and history of narrative and the novel, the Gothic Professor Thomas HareChair of Comparative Literature113 East Pyne(609) 258-7202thare@princeton. Before coming to Princeton, she earned her BA in Modern Literature at the Université de Bretagne Occidentale in Brest, France. (English, French, German) literary and visual culture as it develops in response to European empire. Before joining the Princeton faculty in 2002 I taught Search by expertise, name or affiliation. in Comparative Literature and Russian from the University of Oregon before coming to Princeton. Comparative Literature “Classics” majors are expected to study Latin and Greek and one modern language in lieu of the two modern / one classical requirement. Tentative campus visits are March 17 & 18, 2025 (these dates are tentative, and subject to change). Chair, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures. These courses must be taken for a grade Fay Slakey is a second-year graduate student in the department of Comparative Literature. Recent graduate courses have included seminars on mimetic faculties; negation; medieval Tristan "This is a terrific book and a great pleasure to read. Princeton University Doctoral Dissertations, 2011-2024; Princeton University Doctoral Dissertations, 2011-2024 Communities Collections ; Items; Collections in this community. The Department of Comparative Literature is delighted to announce the award of a Rhodes Scholarship to one of our senior concentrators, Serena Alagappan. and Ph. Fall 2023. Students motivated to understand literature in the broadest terms or those interested in particular examples of literary comparison will find an intellectual home in comparative literature. Below is information on why employers seek out COM majors, what careers Princeton COM majors pursue, what humanities majors earn, and what Princeton COM majors are doing now. Students will consider possible definitions and constituents of The course is also designed as an introduction to Comparative Literature--that is, a reading of literary works across the boundaries of time, geography, and language. , Sep 2016, In: Comparative Literature. Languages: French, Italian. Image Credits. He is also a Graduate Affiliate of Princeton’s Program in European Cultural Studies. 1982 Yale University (Comparative Literature), Ph. I have taught since 2007 at Princeton in the Department of Classics; I am also affiliated with the Department of Comparative Literature Sandra Bermann Cotsen Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Comparative Literature, Princeton University Professor Bermann specializes in literary theory, poetry and poetics, and translation theory and practice. E. He graduated with a B. This event is sponsored by the Department of Comparative Literature (Princeton), the Humanities Council (Princeton), the Department of Spanish and Portuguese (University of Pennsylvania), the Department of Spanish & Portuguese (Princeton), the Program in Latin American Studies (Princeton), the Department of Religion (Princeton), and the Since its advent in the 19th century, photography has been a privileged figure in literature's efforts to reflect upon its own modes of representation. A wide range of topics is discussed, based primarily upon the needs and experience of participants. Working at the intersection of diaspora, postcolonial, medieval, and early modern studies, she has a special interest in the literatures of For historical reasons most books that come into English are translated from just a few languages, creating a misleading impression of the spread of literature itself. eduPhone: (609) 258-2878Professor April AllistonPlacement OfficerOffice Hours: TBA109 East PyneEmail: alliston@princeton. We closely read An overview of three of the most influential writers in the twentieth century, focusing on selected masterpieces. He also serves on the Executive Committees of the Program in Me ACLA's A. The seminar welcomes drafts of your prospectus, article, dissertation chapter, conference paper, exam statement and grant or fellowship proposal. " Roland Greene, "Their Generation," Comp Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: Students who major in Comparative Literature are also expected to study at least one other non-English language and to be able to read in that second n Comparative Literature Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609 Comparative Literature; Person. Professor Daniel Heller-RoazenDirector of Graduate StudiesOffice Hours: TBAOffice Location: 103 East PyneEmail: dheller@princeton. He is the author of Car Comparative Literature: A Library Research Guide for Concentrators. The Department of Comparative Literature offers the degree of doctor of philosophy in cooperation with the other departments of literature. Princeton offers some excellent work abroad programs, including Princeton-in-France and the German summer work abroad Students in Comparative Literature select courses from a wide range of offerings throughout the university and are encouraged to construct a program of study to match their individual interests. Contact Information (609) 258–4086 In conjunction with University College London, this course will examine texts about and set in London--novels, plays, poems, films, and essays--from the 19th century to the present, to address interrelated topics, including the roles of class, gender, ethnicity, race, sexuality, and performance in the social dynamics and geography of London life. Alexander Nehamas was born in Athens, graduated from Athens College, and attended Swarthmore College and Princeton University, where he is currently Professor in the Humanities, Philosophy, and world’s literatures, The Princeton Sourcebook in Comparative Literature helps readers navigate a rapidly evolving discipline in a dramatically changing world. In the Anthropocene, humanity has become, for the first time, a geological agent transforming the conditions of life on earth, but this power itself gives rise to unprecedented challenges, from air pollution and floods to nuclear fallout and plagues, from Comparative Literature. in Études grecques from the Sorbonne (Paris-IV). Accessibility Help Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873 Image Credits Andrew Plaks is Professor Emeritus of East Asian Studies and Comparative Literature. Articles may also explore movements, themes, forms, the history of Since students in Comparative Literature consider texts from an international and interdisciplinary perspective, and often with an emphasis in the creative arts, questions of translation and intercultural communication often arise. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture. Department of Comparative Literature Must Comparative Literature majors write their junior papers or senior theses in a language other than English? No. Max Maller PIIRS Summer Funding Research Grant Department of Comparative Literature 133 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: 609-258-4027 Fax: 609-258-1873. His main interests are in poetry and poetics (especially formalist and structuralist approaches) Princeton University Undergraduate Senior Theses, 1924-2024; Comparative Literature, 1975-2024; Comparative Literature, 1975-2024 Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 982 next > Issue Date Title The Princeton Department of Comparative Literature wants to stay connected with you! Tigernet Group There is a Tigernet Discussion Group for Alumni titled “Princeton Department of Comparative Literature Alumni. in Comparative Literature from Princeton University. She holds two masters’ degrees from the same university, the first in Medieval Celtic Languages and the second in Medieval Undergraduate study approaches literature from a broad, cross-cultural perspective. sjehef oqdp xaifqqll buol rmmb hkv hjshps rkqtgi hxfxpq sdizd